I use Ghost Keylogger on several of my boxes at home. I have used this on many machines in the past without issue. Recently I have been having the problem of Avast ignoring the exclusion and giving me a FP on something that I want to use. I understand that there are two sets of exclusions and I have added the path to both. For the scan exclusion I am using C:\Program Files\Sync Manager* and for the Standard Shield Exclusion I am using C:\Program Files\Sync Manager\syncconfig.exe and C:\Program Files\Sync Manager\agent\syncagent.exe. One is used for the configuration and one is used for the program itself. I have also tried using a wildcard in several locations without success.
When I try and start either EXE I am hit with the Trojan warning. I thought that maybe I was typing the file location wrong so I have even tried copying and pasting from the Avast notification window.
I have checked the ini file and the exclusion shows up correctly. I have tried disabling the self defense mode as well.
I am running Windows 2000 (sp4) with Avast home 4.8.1227
I have spent a bunch of time on this. I must be missing something simple.
Any ideas?