After writing in the other day about problems with the 6/10/04 downloaded version of Avast and it just not working right…a new version came down today(6/14/04) and seems to be working fine…thank you Avast.
BUT…the “problem version” had taken over 12 gigabytes from my hard drive to a temp file and wouldn’t release them…I deleted that temp Avast files(as per forum instructions) and got my gigs back…but the program wouldn’t run at all.
Now…with the 6/14/04 version…the program is running fine but the Avast folder in the temp folder has stolen 8 gigabytes from my hard drive…what do I do to get this space back?
I am running an older computer without that large of a hard drive to begin with.
Windows 2000/708RAM/AMD950/IE6/OutlookExpress/
I am afraid to delete this temp folder again and then have the latest Avast stop working again.
Thank you.
Hi Inva,
please follow the advice in your 1st posting:;action=display;threadid=5171
e.g. Onlinescans and defrag & disk-Cleanup (normal boot or safeMode)
what about a full scan with avast ? does it run through without problems ?
with or without archive scanning ?
please also post a hijackthis-Logfile:
The latest version is currently running fine without problems…it is only the accumulation of gigs in the temp folder that’s the problem.
I did run a diskscan and it came out fine…I hadn’t been able to run the defrag…but will try that next.
Thank you for your reply.
What do you mean, that “the program stops running at all” when you delete the files in the TEMP folder?
During the problems with the 6/10//04 version the virus scan would freeze up after a short while of scanning a number of files…but after I removed the temp folder…the splash screen for the virus scan would come up…but nothing at all would happen…when clicking on start…nothing…no files scanned at all.
With the latest version(6/14/04):
I also have tried to defrag in both regular and safe modes but the defrag is aborted when it reaches the new avast temp folder.
“Scan-Fat: Scan-ABorted: Fatal Error…” then it listes the string to the Avast4 temp folder.
I also ran an independant virus scan and it came up clean.
meantime…the temp folder is still hoarding over 8 gigs of my space.
Any help?
Thank you for your reply.
I would suggest to delete the content of the TEMP folder and restart the computer. It shouldn’t damage the avast! installation.
Thank you…
I’ll let you know what happens.
I removed the Avast4 folder in the temp directory…and tried the scan…and so far it worked.
Later I’ll try the defrag again…
Thank you very much for your help.