Glary Utilities Pro v2.15.0.738 infected?

Downloaded the newest version of Glary Utilities (gusetup.exe) from the Glary website and on scanning, Avast found Win32:Induc. I scanned the Glary Utilities folder (older version .728) and Avast found Win32:Induc in joinexe.exe and encryptexe.exe. I have emailed these two files to Avast from the vault. Please confirm if these two files are truly infected and if so, how I should deal with them.

Hi Tsimmes,

Hmmm…apparently .738 is clean:

Glary Utilities (build is infected. Last build from 18. August is clean.

So you’re saying the new ( build is infected also?

Can you right click the file in the chest that refers to the newest build and click email to alwil software?
Fill out the form and click submit, the file will be sent upon the next update (you can do a manual update to initiate the sending)


EDIT:just downloaded and scanned gusetup.exe (vps = 090819-0) No alerts - Are you sure?

The files were also detected by Microsoft Security Essentials. I’ve sent them to Quarantine for further analysis.

I restored the file (gupsetup.exe - there was a p in the filename) to my download directory and it turned out to be v2.15.0.728 (although I did download it from the Glary website yesterday).

On another note, since updating to Avast v4.8.1351, I’ve lost the Avast scan icon in my Explorer context menu. In Avast settings, both of the boxes for Show results and Show Explorer extension icon are both checked but there’s no sign of them in the Explorer context menu. Can you advise why this might be? Thank you.

Tech, have you got the latest build?


Do you mean that the icon is missing from the context menu or the whole context menu is missing?

Either way you could try a repair of the program:

Avast RepairXP

Can you try a repair of Avast?
Start–>control panel–>add/remove programs -->avast antivirus → click remove → scroll down and click repair


EDIT: BTW, your sig says SP2 - this is way out of date and you should really update to SP3…
EDIT2: Wait, you can’t change your sig yet, is that the case, or have you not updated?

I have two Glary files infected. Strangely enough, I had uninstalled Glary a while ago because I didn’t like it. Imagine my surprise when I found a bunch of Glary files still on my HD. I am attaching a screen shot of my virus chest.

The repair worked like a charm–I have the icon back. My XP is SP3–I’ll change the sig as soon as I figure out how to do it. :wink:


Steps to turn off System Restore
Click Start, right-click My Computer, and then click Properties.
In the System Properties dialog box, click the System Restore tab.
Click to select the Turn off System Restore check box. Or, click to select the Turn off System Restore on all drives check box.
Click OK.
When you receive the following message, click Yes to confirm that you want to turn off System Restore:
You have chosen to turn off System Restore. If you continue, all existing restore points will be deleted, and you will not be able to track or undo changes to your computer.

Do you want to turn off System Restore?
After a few moments, the System Properties dialog box closes.

Steps to turn on System Restore
Click Start, right-click My Computer, and then click Properties.
In the System Properties dialog box, click the System Restore tab.
Click to clear the Turn off System Restore check box. Or, click the Turn off System Restore on all drives check box.
Click OK.

After a few moments, the System Properties dialog box closes.

I do not like Glary Utilities as it does not un-unstall cleanly and leaves files and Folders that have to be removed manually.

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If you seek registry cleaner I can recommend ccleaner and Iobit advanced windows care that’s do a good job keeping your computer free from registry problems and so one. Iobit offer also a good defragger that i also use and it do a better job then defragger in windows

The surprise is that I uninstalled Glary a long time ago because I didn’t like it. I now understand that Glary leaves lots of stuff behind on the HD. I have attached a screen shot of what’s left of Glary on my computer. How do I get rid of these filles manually and safely?

If you already uninstall Glary, just delete the folder and empty your recycle bin.

mikaelrask, same thing applies for IOBit applications as they leave almost as much junk behind as a Norton un-install.