Well I’ve been using Avast! and Glary Utilities for several weeks now but all of a sudden Avast! IDs its rtl70.bpl as a trojan.
This is a false positive right? GUtilities has been reviewed by reputable sites such as PC World and PCMag.com.
Well I’ve been using Avast! and Glary Utilities for several weeks now but all of a sudden Avast! IDs its rtl70.bpl as a trojan.
This is a false positive right? GUtilities has been reviewed by reputable sites such as PC World and PCMag.com.
You don’t say what the malware name is ?
If you haven’t noticed there was a large false positive on one of the signatures. That FP was corrected quickly by VPS version 091203-1, so ensure you have the latest VPS and scan again in the chest if you put it there.
Glary Utilities is a well known and safe program. Its most likely a false positive fixed via the latest update (as DavidR pointed out). If you still get the warning after updating, make sure you have a legit copy from the vendors website.
Thank you both for the quick response. I updated right after the Avast! tagged it, very positive that it’s an FP.
I scanned it in the chest as per your instructions. Here’s the result:
Scanning of selected files ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Program will try to scan 1 selected file(s) in the ChestMove files to temporary folder: C:\DOCUME~1\User\LOCALS~1\Temp_avast4_\unp87765400.tmp
FileID: 0000000004 Original file name: C:\Program Files\Glary Utilities\rtl70.bpl New folder: C:\DOCUME~1\User\LOCALS~1\Temp_avast4_\unp87765400.tmp\4.bplScan files in the temporary folder: C:\DOCUME~1\User\LOCALS~1\Temp_avast4_\unp87765400.tmp
C:\DOCUME~1\User\LOCALS~1\Temp_avast4_\unp87765400.tmp\4.bpl – no virus –Action was completed successfully!
So it’s safe right? “No virus.” Forgive the OC question but I tend to 3x check when it comes to security issues.
Yes, safe.
As long as you downloaded from their website, or somewhere else you trust. It should be fine.
EDIT: Darn, I pressed “post” at the same time igor posted. Feel free to delete this post.