Gmail login page is phishing?

Edit: Subject line altered to more accurately describe the problem.

I’m getting a warning from Avast when I open the login page for Gmail. This is on Windows 10 64 bit, Chrome latest version 53, Avast up to date, and I’ve tried both the Gmail link that appears when Chrome is opened, and directly typing the gmail address. The page that is being rejected is and it appears to be genuine and secure.

I see from that page that Gmail have a new login page (This is the old version) but the new version requires Java which doesn’t work in Chrome.

Has the Avast Web Reputation for the Gmail login been wiped so that a new reputation can be built up, or is this a false positive? Whatever the logic, if it is a false detection then it is likely to result in this user uninstalling Avast.

Looks like you can still use Java in Chrome >

There is no Webrep anymore in avast.
It has been replaced by AOS.

What exact version of avast are you using ?
What is the exact warning that you get ?

Sorry, I used the wrong name - I’m now sitting in front of the afflicted machine and it says
Avast Online Security
This site has been marked as a phishing site.
Get me out of here
I trust this website

Avast current version 17.3.2291(build 17.3.3443.0)
Release date 30/3/2017 11:59:59

Virus definitions 170425-2 release date 25/04/2017 16:51:12
Latest update received 26/04/2017 11:36:33

Don’t be/feel sorry.
It can happen to anyone. :wink:

I suggest you report it to avast so they can correct things.

How do I report it to Avast? I’ve been caught before by phoning Avast Total Security to report a bug in Avast.

Do I just say that I trust this site, and is that sufficient for Avast to investigate the issue?

Clicking on “I trust this site” is a start.
You can also create a ticket and tell avast about it >

Thanks Eddy.

Clicking “I trust this website” gave the same warning on first attempt (probably due to a timeout) and then was accepted the second time.

I’ve reported the URL using

Searching on for “create a ticket” wasn’t very helpful. It says
Search results for “create a ticket”
Total found: 7

But it didn’t show any of them…

Just an advert for “Avast Total Care” who I’m sure would charge me £120 like they did when I reported the incompatibility with the Anniversary update.

Puzzled that nobody else seems to have had this problem signing into Gmail today?

Just re-read the Google announcement and it is referring to the old login page appearing if javascript is disabled, not java. I don’t even see a way to disable javascript in Chrome, so I assume it should be running, which makes it odd that the old login page appears on both of our computers (and in Firefox too).

"The new sign-in page shows up on computers, phones, and tablets. You’ll see it when you sign in to a Google app or a Google service on a browser, like Chrome.

You might still see the old sign-in page in these cases:

You use an older version of a browser
You’ve turned off JavaScript"

I just signed in to my Gmail account on Microsoft Edge and I didn’t get any warning from AOS. I don’t have Chrome installed. I’m using the latest stable version of Avast. I don’t have Java on my computer. Windows 10 version 1703.

I’m not even sure that Edge is a supported browser in AOS and it is Chrome that the OP is talking about.

I don’t use Chrome either which is why I haven’t commented on other browsers.

I don’t get any warning on Firefox or Opera and both have the AOS extension.

It doesn’t matter, what browsers you don’t get this on as the OP is having the issue on Chrome.

If someone who is using Chrome isn’t getting this issue, then that would be totally different.

Searching on for "create a ticket" wasn't very helpful. It says Search results for "create a ticket" Total found: 7
scroll down and click “contact an agent” > “contact us directly” > Contact support

or just click this :wink:

I’ve just had a response to my ticket:

Thank you for drawing our attention to this problem. Our virus specialists have been working on this problem and it has now been resolved. URL isn’t detected as phishing anymore.

We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Best Regards,
[name removed]

The Avast Support Team