Avast makes it next to impossible to get a refund even though they guarantee it within 30 days.
You are forced to use chat which obviously has a very badly programmed AI FRONT AND THE REPLIES ARE BARELY SENSENSIBLE.
They use the old bait and switch to get you to buy another product and you can haggle with them for hours JUST TO GET A REFUND!
It is 2024 and the companies still do not understand the extreme importance of after sale service.
I am VERY UNpleasantly surprised. I may go shopping for other products
Heck, even this method of entering text on this forum is antiquated.
I bought the virus product. Same day did a scan and no virus. I knew there was a virus, Went to Trend online virus scanning for free and poof got rid of it. Went back to Avast and canceled and ask for refund. That was in Oct 2024 and today Jan 4 2025 Im trying to get my refund. All the ways to get or not happening. There is now no unsubscribe on my account page, hell you cant even remove your Card!! I no longer trust this company in anyway. If your smart, unlike me you will stay away as there so called 30 days refund is a lie! Now Im online with a chat person which is sooooo slow and yep lets chat about everything else except were is my money. She just asked me for my ID for the product I bought, I gave it to her at the start but she needs it again. I cant believe companies are still allowed to con people as we mostly online shop. No longer will I buy anything like this. Hell I might even give up on Amazon but I have never had a problem with what I buy there is 2 years!