Google Chrome 11 CPU Usage with Avast! WebRep

I’m noticing CPU spikes when having Avast! WebRep installed on Google Chrome 11 getting constant 48-50% usage on chrome.exe*32 according to Task Manager.

I hope the dev team will look into this issue as I want to use WebRep instead of having WOT like before.


I didn’t dig in to it earlier, but after seeing your post I found that’s true for me too… but Google Chrome 11 still in beta phase. I’m using pack Google Chrome version anyway.

How did you found out it’s WebRep?


Because I uninstalled webrep for chrome and all went well, I noticed this in Chrome 10 as well… Hmm the Chrome 11 I got was from an update? :o

No issues for IE9 or Firefox I guess my main browser is Chrome…

Chrome 11 is now relasead and are not a beta anymore. but is the problem still in avast?

Yeah, but I’m using Pack Google Chrome 11 (for all user accounts)…

I’ve no idea either.


i can see, i will update my chrome and i will see!

Mine is working fine.

Chrome version: 11.0.696.60 (New one)