The Google Play Store link on the Google Search page is a Malware Link.
Just responding to say I am also seeing an URL:MAL at google play store.
This is happening to me as well. No virus files found in the Chrome folder or chrome.exe.
This is seriously going to be a painful experience with Avast.
The Google Search page is my browser’s Home page, so each time I start the browser, or press the Home button, I get Avast complaining that the page is Malware.
You have to wonder how these sort of things happen. Doesn’t Avast check this stuff before allowing their Anti-virus software from ‘going off the deep end’?
Or has Google really been hacked? I have my doubts about that.
I’m seeing it on any/all google sites (including maps), but only when using Firefox (no warning when using IE).
When going to just plain (or any google site) while using 64 bit Firefox: “Threat Blocked:”
Update: Apparently Avast fixed it (that was QUICK)!
I too am getting this message on Chrome. Any webpage that has anything to do with Google pops up URL:MAL.
Ever since I received the latest avast update my avast has been popping up to tell me its blocked via Firefox.exe
Glad to know this is happening to other people and something hasnt leaked in on my side.
I also have been having this warning come up repeatedly this evening. I finally ran Malwarebytes following the directions on the stickied top-post (turning on “scan for rootkits” in settings); Malwarebytes didn’t find anything, but the popup stopped. (shrug)
URL:Mal = Blacklisted URL or IP
Here is an Avast note saying this problem was fixed by 6 am, GMT+1 … I have more to add. This Avast warning repeated many times on 2 computers of mine at my time 9:30 pm Pacific Daylight Time. Plus I was unable to shutdown my computer (crashed) which has never happened before. Unrelated? Anyone else have this happen or know if there is a correlation between this FP Avast event and my computer crash?
FYI I googled what I found in my Avast log (nsheild.log) and found very little, finally found this forum has a few threads on it. I found 7 of these Avast warnings about between 21:23 to 21:54 and a few others before that that were a little different still mentioning Chrome):
Network Shield: blocked access to malicious site ([]:443) [ C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe
The only site open was in chrome , Google Drive, Google sheets , on my desktop Win 7 PC (I had more tabs open to various sites on my laptop, one was probably gmail). Malwarebytes found nothing in both computers, Superantispyware found a Trojan related to this mentioning Chrome Player.
Here’s the “its now Fixed” Post from Avast (sorry - I cant work it out - how do you create a quote?):
[Fixed] FP? Malware
« on: Yesterday at 05:31:03 AM »
Avast note
Hi everyone,
This was a false positive that was live for around 30 40 min, between 5:15 5:20am and 5:45 6:00am CET (GMT +1). We just disabled it and pushed the fix through streaming updates.
Important: If you still have the problem please restart your PC. - Moroni
So our computers are getting spammed to annihilation we use gmail for work email and everytime someone uses it, it spams us with Malware notifications detected at :o