A quick look at something new from Google meant to integrate it’s AI into Google Search.
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A quick look at something new from Google meant to integrate it’s AI into Google Search.
Sign up for the waiting list at: https://labs.google/experiments
I’m not that concerned to meet Google’s AI Mode.
It’s already happening on Google searches, the first entry if very often an AI response.
This is totally different from what you’re describing as far as the current ai first reply.
Test bed perhaps.
Personally I trust AI about as far as I can throw it.
e.g. how the hell can we actually confirm/test its assumptions/conclusions.
Verify it’s reply through another source. Something I do all the time. I can tell you the mistakes I’ve found are very few but, they do happen which is why the reply should always be checked.
For now I’m cutting out the middle man and avoid having to double check to see if results are valid.