Grayscale notification icon

Hi guys,
Thanks for a really impressive app! I have read a bit about the notification icon in this forum. I understand why it’s there so I’m prepared to leave it there even though I dislike status bar clutter. However, I think it would look a lot nicer if the icon was grayscale instead. Right now it just screams for attention (I’m using a dark theme). Not a big issue but maybe you could make the icon color configurable?



it is actually pretty hard (if not impossible) to make the notification icon color really configurable. You can apply color filters to probably everything in your own UI, but you can’t do that with the notification icon. We would have to draw the icon in every possible color to make this possible.


Thanks for the quick reply. I didn’t think it was that difficult since I’ve seen other apps do it (including GoSMS, which I know you love ;)). Anyways, wouldn’t a grayscale icon as the only choice better better then? I mean isn’t that the official design recommendation for notification icons?

It kinda is, yes. The whole notification icon stuff is still a subject to change hopefully so the looks of the icon might change as well with it, but no promises (also can’t tell you when that will be).


Cool. Thank you for taking the time to respond to my question and keep up the good work.
I’ll stop nagging you now :).

I agree that there should be a change to the icon. The left side of the notification bar is for notifications. The icon should be on the right side along with signal strength, battery meter, etc. If it could look just like one of those icons in size and color that would be great.

Did you see any application that puts its icon to the right side?


Yes I did. I can’t find it right now but it was offered in the options as a choice. I’ll keep looking and post back when I find it.

That would be great, thanks!
