So, I don’t know about you guys. But I help out at the Viruses and Worms section. I have for a while and I find the following very annoying to do.
Everytime someoen posts logs, I notify either the current online remover to respond, or if no one is online I ask them all. That was told to me by (Pondus?) or one of the other removers. That ins’t an issue. However, I find it annoying to have to type all of their names in (Twin, Essex, Argus, jeffce, magna86, g3n-h@ackm@n etc) every single time. Is their a way I can just make a large group (Aka: All the removers) into 1 group where I just click it and send the links that they need to go to
No there isn’t and I don’t believe that there should be as it would become a spammers haven to be able to send PMs to a large group of users. A very long time ago we saw this used in spamming and particularly graphic hard core p o r n images.
There are other ways to enter multiple recipients than as you are doing, for obvious reasons I don’t want to go into much detail on how to do this in a public forum.