Gumblar Infection ?


can anyone tell me if Avast ( all versions ) is protecting from the “Gumblar” infection ?

Please see/read this article for further info :|main|dl5|link5|

( you need to copy/paste the whole link ! For some reason only part of it shows up as a link )

Would be great to know, since nothing on the Avast web site is found using the “Gumblar” word.

Thank you.


Well, gyus :slight_smile:

For those who are interested:


Thank you very much for your answer !!!

PS: Would be great if this article ( or other info ) would come up as a result if someone enters “Gumblar” on the Avast’s web site search !!

Again thanks for clearing things up.


Our blog is currently in warm up phase. It will be linked from main web in the near future. I published this article 20 minutes ago - (i think on the time you was creating this thread).

Thanks jsejtko :slight_smile:

Ahhhh, that would explain it ! LOL

Anyway, great job and again, thanks to you guys !!!


Thanks jsejtko^^


Thanks jsejtko, just the kind of article that should be in the blog.

Yes, I have to agree that the latest blog article is just the right kind of article for the blog.

Of course, the other blog entries are good … University redirectors, False positive alerts, etc.

Thanks, jsejtko, and anyone else who posted an article in the blog. :slight_smile:

Nice to see yours “THANKS” - hope you will come to our blog and read every new article :slight_smile:

Regards and thank you

I understand that current Avast users are protected from becoming infected. However, for those who weren’t fortunate enough to have already been using Avast, and now have the infection on their machine, will a scan with Avast detect and remove the problem?

Thank you jsejtko and have a nice day :slight_smile:

Hi jsejtko,

I have been reporting the avast software and specifically the shields abilities at the NoScript forum as well.
Your team has been doing a great job lately at detecting mass malware threats for normally trusted reputable sites (this is concerning thousands and thousands of sites now), the av-solution has so landed with the front runners of the field.
Also the blog is a good educational initiative, and we evangelists also fought here at the forums to make these of outstanding quality, I wish us all crescendo with avast!


Just read the latest blog entry and so far, the blog entries are just what we need. The postings there are very good information and they are much appreciated by me.

Keep up the good work ! :slight_smile: