Is anyone having the problem of avast blocking Hackshield??
I tried to disable the shields but that did not help…
Any solutions??
Hackshield’s authors wrote us they already fixed the problem - when you’re going to run your online game, it usually updates itself, so their patch should be applied on your game, I think.
I tried e.g. Vindictus game (XP SP3) and after updating it was working correctly.
What’s your OS and the name of the game? Thanks.
Hmm its two games Maplestory and Dragon Nest…
Running on Windows XP SP3
all right, we’ll try to simulate it tomorrow in our lab – I will let you know what we find.
Ok… Thanks ;D
I installed MapleStory on my XP system and it’s working okay with the latest version of avast ???
Well it does not work for me…
what’s your avast version? free/pro/ais?
Avast Free v6.0.1203
Still nothing…
When will this get fixed!!! ??? ???
If they can’t reproduce the problem themselves, it can be pretty hard (as in, impossible) to narrow down the cause.
Are you actually running the latest versions of both Avast! and the game?
And i run a little test and when i removed avast! game runs fine…
same problem here… :-
i play “combat arms”…
or should i say “i used to”…
now i can’t!! :
troubleshooting with game’s support team (by giving them the error message of hackshield/game error report)
concluded that the Hackshield/game can not communicate with my pc (connection problem)
i can do anything else through internet as always but i can not play/run that game
i turned off my “windows defender” → nothing
i set exceptions to windows xp sp3 (original) firewall → nothing
and the entire “nexon” folder (game installation folder) to avast free exceptions ->nothing
turned off sandbox → nothing
turned of all shields/protection → nothing
all above together and separate and in various combinations → nothing
i even troubleshooted my adsl with my isp → adsl ok
uninstalled avast → i was able to play/run the game…
i exited the game with alt+tab and reinstalled avast, re-entered game and i was able to play and chat in-game normally…
exited/shutdown the game and re-launched it → ok !!
i hoped that fixed it but
after the next pc shutdown and start up…
i -once more- can’t run/play the game…
ask any other info.if any needed - i will do my best to provide it to you…
i hope this thing get solved because i am just about to uninstall avast for good…
:-\ and i am not threatening anybody , i am just stating my mind…
( :-[i am just a free user ,so they don’t have anything to lose if i stop using it…threatening in this case is useless :-[)
i will be sad if it comes to that though (uninstalling Avast for good -that is). i have been an avast user since
??? - well i thing it is -
2007 (???) and i was satisfied with the simplicity and effectiveness of the program…
lite and hard at the same time…
(sorry for any misspellings… :-[)
I’m having the exact same problem! After I found out it was Avast blocking Hackshield I was finally able to play Rumble Fighter and Dragon Nest again. I really like avast but I’m probably going to uninstall and leave it for good until the problem is fixed.
Ehh me again still having the same problem…
i changed antivirus :-[
notifications for new replays on this still active… :-
if the conflict/problem get’s solved i will be happy to
install avast once more ;D
so please leave a notification in here for me - if possible
thank you for the protection “Avast!”
hope this problem get’s solved soon…
best wishes to all !!!
:-* :-*
Pls help!
Okay i want to play Dragon nest but my Avast Pro blocks the hacksheild. I dont want to change the antivirus since i paid for it. I have Windows 7 home Preimium 64. Avast Pro. please fix this problem as soon as possible.