Hal.dll interference?

Does avast still cause blue screens with hal.dll mods, i’m referring specifically to this (sli hack)…


NOTE: The patch does not work with Avast antivirus installed because the antivirus will not allow manipulation of Hal.dll. If you try to use the patch with Avast installed, blue screens will result.

I didn’t know about this issue, we’ll try to simulate it in our lab… thanks

That’s awesome, cause i’d hate to have to switch to another A/V on this machine. I really do mean that, Avast has been really good to me over the years.

Did you try to apply SLI patch on your computer? Did it get a BSOD?

sadly i don’t have the hard to test yet. apparently an umber of users on overclock.net did have this problem.

not to get off topic but, a good chunk of the users at OCN do use avast just like me. they usually have 2k users logged in at all times (big place), you might benefit opening up a Representative account there to talk with other users.

I do plan on doing this mod and i know they wouldn’t post that info if it wasn’t happening with multiple people.

if all else fails i can post my results using avast after applying the mod once i get the needed parts and time. to be safe i will definitely uninstall avast before applying the patch.