Clean install of Avast 10.3.2222 RC, to see if issue was gone, since was bugging me about it lol, anyways installed, Ui doesn’t show start up scan like always, goto restart and hangs at Restarting, attempted to upload support file and got an error, would you like it manually sent up? Possibly might be crashing also Firestorm viewer
To Uninstall I did it via Add/Remove Programs, restarted, restarted into Safe mode, used Avastclear, restarted again, then in admin account reinstalled Avast 10.3.2222 RC, restarted after the install, (froze once on the restart part) (second restart did after adding exclusions for Firetsorm), worked correctly.
The quick scan that runs after clean install is what I meant, and yes avastupportr2.exe I tried running, and on uploading to an error with that
Always do my uninstalls in the correct way, tried to restore my system image just to see if was system problem, but external drive older one died, and image corrupted sighs, am willing to do a system reset if need be, and reinstalling all 3rd parties apps, and all Windows 8.1 updates prior to 10, or just waiting and then upgrading to 10, and redoing it all then
Firestorm viewer did a complete removal and clean install of that in the last week, only crashes with beta builds installed, with Avast 2218, worked fine, and Windows Defender briefly tried with it, Not sure what is causing it with Avast R3 builds. If need be I can survive with Windows Defender til 10 is out, and do my clean install of 10, and then install Avast R3 final build, and pray all works well.