Hardened mode Aggressive

Hi guys :slight_smile:

As you maybe know we don’t favorite polls here, but I dare to post one.
I am curious if you are using / recommending " Hardened mode Aggressive " and / or why you do / don’t :

Avast - General - Enable Hardened mode - Aggressive.

Aggressive: only chosen files with known high ratings are allowed. All other files are prevented from running.

Looking forward to your feedback.

Greetz, Red.

I personally don’t use it because I shuffle new stuff too much through my system, but I did enable this on sister’s computer and locked it with a password. Whitelist is so good she never has a problem with what she’s doing with a computer while having basically 100% protection.

I use it on my systems, my systems are generally very stable with not much changing programs going on. Though that could also be a reason for not using it, but there doesn’t appear to be any major resource overhead in using it.

Yes. I keep my host systems locked down pretty tight, and do my playing in VM’s.

I don’t because I prefer to make my own decisions.

At my age, I’m better off letting Avast make the decision… :slight_smile:

Use Hardened Mode: Yes
Use Hardened Mode: Aggressive - No.

Don’t run new stuff on my machine as doing so will increase risk. Stability is key.