As DavidR, myself and many others have mentioned the exclusions don’t stick.
I keep adding exclusions for the same thing over and over again.
For example, before beta testing and before installing the final release I run
the official avast uninstaller and each time I have to make the same
cotten-picking exclusion. There are certain times I do complete clean installs.
And it gets old making the same exclusion for the same thing.
Right up to the 10.0.2205, the hardened mode exclusions haven’t been working - so far I haven’t tripped a hardened mode popup since updating to 10.0.2206. That will probably take a reboot or two for it to trip old faithful, the one it has failed on for ages.
It isn’t so much the program that doesn’t work, the problem is any program that attracts the attention of the Hardened Mode (HM) - when you click the Add an exception, it isn’t being added to the Hardened Mode exceptions.
In my case it is an executable within the Outpost Firewall Pro 9.1, feedback.exe which is getting constantly pinged. See image of HM alert popup and note the path format the old 8.3 file/path format style. I’m not sure if this would have anything to do with it, but I rather doubt that.
Previously manually adding the full path didn’t work, as soon as you added it and closed the interface (it was gone when you opened the exceptions again). This part action now appears to be working - but for obvious reasons, I don’t want to do that as I’m hoping that eventually the Add an exception in the alert window functions as it should.
Shouldn’t all of these HM alert popup stats/information be being uploaded to avast under the Community IQ ?
I have had other ones previously (earlier beta/RC builds), I can’t recall them off hand and they had full paths displayed, interestingly many of these were avast files. Currently the only repetitive one is this problem child feedback.exe.
Older versions of avast seemed to cope with 8.3 style format and full paths.
Unless you are aware that the avast team actually made any corrections in this new version then I wouldn’t necessarily assume it to be working just because it hasn’t done it in a short period of time. I’ve added entries by using a combination of browse, manually adding and clicking the add to exclusions link (as the many threads on here about this issue indicate) and had them sometimes stay for months before the whole thing just decided to wipe out or show a different path (short names), or all capital letters whereas previously it was normal case.
Did avast actually make any fixes on this in the new version?