It’s the latest Windows update but this 850 KB file is giving me problems to install. I’ve tried shutting off AVAST’s resident protection, uninstalling Comodo3 FW and even downloading the setup file (I tried the french and the english one) from microsoft web sites without any solution. Their free email support is indecent.
Did you try installing in safe mode? Sometimes that will work.
Yes but it doesn’t want to install in Safe Mode. It needs the drivers in normal mode :o
I had no problem installing the patch on my Vista Ultimate 32 system. I only had Avast, Windows Defender, and Vista FW running and did not have to pause anything in Avast.
Thanks for sharing. I tried intalling this patch after removing Comodo and with Windows FW but it wouldn’t work. I’m puzzled! ???
What kind of error message are you getting?
Best Regards…
I have had similar problems on my xp machine with Comodo installed. Even after removing Comodo with it’s uninstaller I still had the trouble. I eventually came upon a Comodo cleaner. It cleaned the entries from the registry and removed a couple of files I didn’t know about. That fixed my problem. Google for it and it should come up.
I have error code 8007371C.
I don’t know about Comodo, somebody suggested IE8 b2 as the culprit. As you well know, you just can’t go back to IE7…
It’s installed on my Dell Laptop Vista Ultimate Laptop.
Using Windows Defender, avast!, PCTools Firewall Plus.
I found the same suggestion too…here…
He claims that IE8 can be uninstalled, so if it can be, this may provide the solution. I don’t seem to have the update installed but I’m also running the 64 bit version of Vista, so that may be the reason.
Best Regards…
Has anyone installed this patch with IE8 b2 on the pc at that moment? :o
It installed without problems on my Vista Business SP1 32bits laptop.
Comodo had messed Windows Updates installations in the past. Maybe uninstalling it and trying again.
Yes, Tech, but DID YOU HAVE IE8 b2 ON IT???
WRT my success reported above, I have IE7 and maybe that is why it worked. I do try to stay away from beta software on my Vista computer.
Then I’m doomed! I guess I’ll have to mask this update (it only improves Vista a bit) and go without it. I’ll be away from now on from beta softwares. 8)
You could try to uninstall IE8 b2 and revert to IE7. Then update KB955302. In the MS newsgroups, some have been able to uninstall IE8 successfully, but not everyone.
Not me. Apparently, I missed too much things in the registry with various registry cleaners. I get an error message the updates were not uninstalled correctly.
I also avoid using Registry cleaners in Vista unless I set a system restore point first.
No thanks God. Are you crazy? Microsoft beta testing? No thanks… I earn nothing, on contrary…
Calm down a bit, please! >:(