have to re-install avast..... again.

now it’s every 2 to 3 months I have to uninstall then re-install avast because it stops working. What’s the deal?

Sounds like a badly working OS to me. Or a application interfering with avast.

What more that is not working on you computer, check logbook you can se erros there from you system.programs and avast. Look also in avast install folder for report folder there you can also read/find some information about why it stops to work.

:slight_smile: Have you “registered” and gotten a “license key” ?
If yes, perhaps you have spyware/malware on your
computer !? What do the scan results of your
antispyware program(s) show ?

yeah I got a new reg. key and all… It’s not working anymore. I get the usual “the AAVM subsystem has detected an RPC error” message. I’ll chek for spyware…

:slight_smile: Since you are getting a “RPC Error” I would suggest you
use the “DCOMbobulator” at www.grc.com/dcom to see
if this might stop the RPC Error; sometimes it works,
sometimes it doesn’t . You may also want to try the other
2 “Musketeers” while on the grc site and this site has
the recommended “Shields Up” firewall “test” .
You might want to check the dosaje “thread” here for
possible solution(s) !?

Why do you keep insisting on this when there is no relationship between RPC errors and the DCOM exploit?

if it’s because an RPC update is needed then there is no solution because I can’t do the Windows updates anymore (…)

Sounds like you need to go out and buy Windows so you use a legal version. :wink:

can somebody confirm that this could be the cause of this repeating rpc problem?

ok, I’ve re-installed avast and it seems to be working fine until I enter my reg key. Can anyone explain that?

It may be worth your while looking out for this problem
as it seems to be RPC related and difficult to detect.