I heard great things about Avast, so I decided to try out the Free Version and I’m having problems.
I have Windows XP SP3 home.
I downloaded and installed Avast Free right from the main site here and it loads and runs it’s quick scan and everything works great. The computer is protected. No problems and it seems I’m good to go.
When I re-boot, then the Problems start.
It takes a long time to re-boot, and when it finally does, Avast will not work and the Quick Launch bar disappears. I tried the Fix button and Avast is dead in the water, nothing. I tried un-installing using the Clean tool but that did not make a difference. Once I deleted Avast the Quick Launch bar re-appeared and the computer re-booted very quickly.
I have no other security tools running when the computer boots up.
After spending some time reading this Forum it looks like there are random problems with some computers that use Windows XP with the latest updated Avast software, so I guess I’m one of the unlucky ones…So I guess I’m not going to be able to use Avast until the problems get corrected
Over the past several days I have been in Contact with Avast Support.
With everything I was told to try, I still can’t get Avast to work and Windows XP acts very bad with Avast installed after I reboot. I tried re-booting twice and Windows XP Screen became un-usable to where I had to turn off the Computer, then restart in safe mode and remove Avast.
After Avast is removed, the Computer works good.
Maybe I will try again when Avast has a new upgrade, but I think for some reason, this New Version of Avast just does not get along with my Computer and Windows XP.