having trouble installing the avast free antivirus

I’m trying to install the avast free antivirus and I keep getting the same error message:
The stub cannot run installer/updater executable
‘c:\windows\temp\asw.c618872713095fe1\instup.exe’ (code 0x2)

Does any one know how to solve this?
Thank you very much.

  • Which Avast…? (Free/Pro/IS/Premium)
  • Which version/build of Avast…?
  • OS…? (32/64 Bit…? - which SP/Build…?)
  • Other security related software installed…?
  • Which AV(s) did you use before Avast…?

@Asyn. Think that answers your first 2 questions.
@gilmor. Need to answer re Operatiing System, Past and Present AV products used on the machine, including any that came pre-installed.

Win 7 home premium SP1 64 bit

ran norton internet security but it was uninstalled using the norton removal tool


First, be sure to get rid of all remnants of any prior installed AV(s)…!!


  1. Download Avast Free Antivirus: https://files.avast.com/iavs9x/avast_free_antivirus_setup_offline.exe
  2. Follow instructions: https://www.avast.com/uninstall-utility (Run this tool for all prior installed Avast versions…!!)
  3. Reinstall Avast with the downloaded installer from point 1.
  4. Reboot.

Thank you:

  1. Repeatedly ran norton removal tool. I don’w see any norton product remaining in the windows programs list.
  2. Both the avast uninstall utility and the avast offline setup file produce the same error message noed in my original post, both in safe mode and regular mode running as administrator.
    What more can I try?

Did you use the offline installer from the provided link…!?


You could try the latest beta: https://forum.avast.com/index.php?board=15

Still the same error message…

Beats me, sorry.