I recently (and stupidly) updated my hellgate london multiplayer using the autodownloader flagship studios provided with their game.
After having a very nasty piece of malicious software terrorize my system and pretty much fry it, I tried getting in touch with flagship studios and I can’t even get in contact with them. They’re not monitoring their emails it seems anymore, billroper doesn’t have his email @ flagshipstudios.com anymore, and it seems that flagship studios has finally given people the big “F*CK YOU” after they’re not offering support for their game anymore and no explanation for why or how the heck their autodownloader, which they provided, is giving people viruses and malicious 3rd party software.
To read about what virus I’m talking about, I’m going to post an external link or two to forum(s) full of people (maybe an outdated forum… but it’s still info, because no one else can really explain what the heck Ive got better than these people) who have experienced this virus and actually found it, where my system hasn’t… =[
that last link is pretty hectic if you’ve got a slow computer because of all the comments on one dang page…
but yeah.
If anyone could help me out that would be awesome, because my computer tech is scratching his head and he’s done a lot of things like removing the battery to the motherboard because he figured that the virus might be hiding in the memory on the motherboard or possibly in my RAM (since it’s obviously not in my HDD anymore, I switched it out with a newer clean one from seagate…).
P.S: Think Flagship studios can get sued for this? Because if possible i’m going to seek payment from them for this.
I could be wrong on this virus name, it might not even be this anymore…
but the symptoms I experienced @ start were:
computer shutting off with no warning whatsoever, bluescreens of death (one of them was a memory dump, and another one of them was “unmountable boot volume” or “boot volume unmountable”) and of course the coup de grace for this virus was it corrupted my file system so I couldn’t even load windows XP.
The coup de grace, at this stage, I sat there for a minute watching the load screen go by (which ISN’T a performance issue, because my computer specs blow away the average computer…) and then thats when the unmountable boot volume BSOD popped up.
It’s a pretty nasty bugger from what i’ve gathered; it can travel from the HDD to any memory caches on the motherboard or the RAM, yet again from what i’ve observed.
wanted to know if there’s a way to remove this nasty little guy when you can’t even get into windows to download the antivirut (http://www.avast.com/eng/win32-virut.html) that avast has.
What i’m going to try to do tomorrow is use their mini-virus cleaner, the one that’s like 5 megs and use it on my flash drive and boot it up using the flashdrive.
I’m hoping for an act of God on this because i’m frustrated and I put most of my remaining money into this computer, to use it for more than 2 years
After the coup de grace (WHich took place on the old harddrive), we put the new one in and the first four tries to make this thing install windows XP were unsuccessful, but after that we were able to put windows XP on there. We had the thing running successfully for 4 hours, and then when we tried to restart the computer that’s when it malfunctioned again. It wouldn’t restart, and it turned off on us without consent.
what we’ve tried doing to fix this, is we’ve tried removing the battery on the motherboard (the only important thing we’d lose is the bios settings and yada yada) to make it lose it’s charge, so if it is hiding on the motherboard or in the RAM it would clean it out. But now it won’t even show the motherboard screen (it won’t do the “BEEP” signaling it’s okay now) so we’re waiting until tomorrow to see if this is because the motherboard lost it’s charge… (waiting for it to get it’s charge back).
sorry, i keep noticing I have a lack of info… arg…
I have windows XP SP2, it is updated (drivers and all) last time I checked (WHich was when it was still working), i’ve got an XFX 8800 gts 512 mb, amd dual core 3gigs processor, 2-250gb seagate hdd’s (which are infected possibly…), 3-1gigs ddr2 800 ram, ASUS M2N-SLI Deluxe AM2 NVIDIA nForce 570 SLI MCP ATX AMD Motherboard - Retail, xclio 550w power supply… everything is compatible with each other since i’ve had these parts since november of 07 and they were working fine…
Please help. Ask for any info you need
Tomorrow I’m going to try using a flashdrive to boot up in this machine, to see if I can’t use the mini-virus scanner on it… hopefully that will fix it and everything will be okay.
First of all you need to disable the links in your first post. If anyone tries to click on it, their motherboard would end the same way as yours.
It’s best for everyone not to trust Flagship anymore.
Do your best.
But I clicked on the link on my dad’s computer, more than once even, and I didn’t get any virus?..
I don’t think its transferred via goin to forums / sites.
I got it by downloading a patch for a game and then trying to apply the patch.