I updated Avast Free last night and then restarted my computer (Dell Studio XPS 15, Windows 7 - purchased in 2009/10, I think). Since then, it has been a nightmare.
Windows fails to start, even in safe mode.
Startup repair also fails to fix the error - I get the following message:
Problem Signature 001:
Problem Signature 002: 6.1.7600.16385
Problem Signature 003: unknown
Problem Signature 004: 21.200819
Problem Signature 005: AutoFailover
Problem Signature 006: 18
Problem Signature 007: CorruptRegistry
OS Version: 6.1.7600.
Locale ID: 1033
I’ve searched the internet and followed some advice but got nowhere.
Scannow is not allowed because ‘there is a system repair pending’.
Fortunately, on the command prompt within the system recovery options, I can still see my files on C: drive so hopefully this is recoverable.
Occasionally, on restart, a BSOD flashes up but too quickly for me to see what is on it - see below: Inaccessible boot device.
It was working fine before the Avast upgrade - please help!
I am ashamed to say that I have not backed up in years
Thanks for the prompt reply, Eddy. Hope you are having a good weekend, unlike me!
I have a 64 bit system - it says to make a new thread in that link you posted.
I forgot to mention - I tried System Restore in the Startup Repair, but it says there are no previous restore points. Very odd as I am fairly certain that there were…
notepad and press Enter.
The notepad opens. Under File menu select Open.
Select “Computer” and find your flash drive letter and close the notepad.
In the command window type e:\frst64.exe or e:\frst.exe dependant on system
and press Enter Note: Replace letter e with the drive letter of your flash drive.
The tool will start to run.
When the tool opens click Yes to disclaimer.
I can’t get the tool to run though. If I type f:\frst.exe, I get ‘the subsystem needed to support the image type is not present’. If I type f: \frst.exe, it just goes into F drive…
By the way, when I opened notepad, I saw that there was a recovery drive with 8.50 GB free of 14.6 GB so I suppose that, for some reason, System Restore can’t see this…
Download the attached fixlist to the same location as FRST
Start FRST as before and press fix
On completion try a normal boot… You may need to run repair twice
Download the attached fixlist to the same location as FRST
Start FRST as before and press fix
On completion try a normal boot… You may need to run repair twice
Copy necessary files from one drive to another using DOS/Command Prompt. Then do a system restore using Dell. For more information on system restore of Dell, call their Toll Free help-line.