Help(concerning the results of a virus scan)

Recently I have scanned my computer for viruses and the result was the following :
Is this a serious problem? Should I be worried about it?
I can’t understand this result and I don’t know how to act.
Thanks in advance.


What you’re looking at is the contents of an “archive” file (zip, rar, etc) which avast had to temporarily unpack in order to scan its contents. Normally the contents of that temp folder are deleted once they’ve been scanned – but if anything’s still there, feel free to delete it yourself.

It would be a lot easier to make further suggestions if we knew what the “original” file (i.e., the zip or whatever) was, but I don’t think that info’s readily available. Could one of the experts please correct or clarify my understanding of this if I’m wrong?


As a P.S. (I don’t always organize my thoughts that well :wink: ) – do you have reporting enabled? If so and you look at the report, I just remembered that it should show “unable to scan” with specific reference to the “parent” archive file(s), including full path to them.

Like Mike said, no troubles deleting C:\WINDOWS\TEMP_avast4_\…\unp files… 8)

Unfortunatety, I scanned again my computer for viruses and the specific file is there although I thought I had deleted it.Is there any other way in which I can delete it? Thanks in advance.

Please state, the filename, virus name, it’s location C:\folder\folder\filename, etc. (if different location to your info above) and your OS there is insufficient information to help fully.

However a visit to this thread will probably help, General Advice&Tools for virus/trojan/malware removal

If you need more help, come back here with more info…

There is no virus name just the information of being unable to be scanned due to the fact that it is corrupted, the file name is the above , C:\WINDOWS\TEMP_avast4_\…\unp98899068,and my OS is Millenium Edition if OS is my operating system.

The files in the C:\WINDOWS\TEMP_avast4_\ folder are temporary and can safely be deleted, this location is used to unpack zip files, etc. (signified by the unp at the start of the filename) to check their contents.

These temporary files are usually deleted upon completion of the check. It would appear that when the check fails for some reason, ‘unable to be scanned due to the fact that it is corrupted’ in your case, the temporary files aren’t being deleted.

I really suggest a stronger pro active behavior of deleting temporary files under avast temporary folder… there are many users complaining that even after a reboot, files were left behind there (me too :'().

I would second that, there really is no need for them to remain even after a failed scan as the unpacked files only exist because avast unpacked a ziped/cab/compressed file to check for virus infection.


During my usual defragging-check I noticed that there where 4 Gigs left there…
Of course, should have known, as avast crashed during a full archive scan some days previously…


This is the main reason (crashes) but could be others: avast screen saver module, for instance. :-\

Don’t use this. so nope here…

Does it frequently cause the avast/unpacked stuff to accumulate ?

Well, how can I be sure?
I’m not running an on-demand scanning so, would be it or the Stardard Shield…
Tons of files are left behind if the screen saver module crashes, or Windows, or at shutdown…
Only I ask is a stronger policy of deletion to temporary files… I have to do this with a third party application… :cry:

Thanks a lot. I have already deleted manually the specific file since after a third virus scan is continued to exist when I rebooted my computer.I suppose now that I won’t face the same problem again when I will scan my computer for viruses.