Help! I Avast detects Win32:Vitro, as I fix?

From July 3 day, everything was fine until it opened a program (before the opening, it was very good), I use avast antivirus and started sending threatening messages all the time. And every time you open a “request” at the end (. * Exe) detected as a virus, I immediately sent to quarantine also lock function detects rundll32.exe files and important system files within avast quarantine infected were mentioned as win32 files: in vitro.
I performed the role of Avast to analyze PC at home before, but as any file (*. Exe) I was taking, I decided to cancel because I’m not sure. And even connect to the internet is blocking me.

Now 'm coming from Safe Mode with Networking. to provide solution to the problem

I began to realize what he said the manual in case of this type of virus in accordance to page:

I’ve done step by step the mentioned programs. And I’ll beuploading their reports.
I must clarify that since the problem was detected on July 3. I have not turned on the pc so far for fear of infecting more (*. Exe)

AdwCleaner Log:

and more analysis:

according to the order:

  1. Malwarebytes
  2. Otl and Extras
  3. aswMBR

well, you seem to have a very nasty infection, called a file infector… vitro/virut
this is like computer canser and may end with a format / reinstall … but lets wait and hear what the the removal expert say, he is notified

Yeap. I sent him here just in case Essexboy can do anything for him. I told him what he got and that no specialist in removing malware can guarantee complete removal.

if in any case choose to format.
Is the entire hard drive, or only partition c?

according to aswMBR log, all infected files are on C … but i am not sure if aswMBR check the other drives
Essexboy will tell you when he arrive

Bertrand espera que Essexboy vea los reporte. El te dira que hacer.

Hi I cannot guarantee that this will cure the problem but it is worth a try. Create this USB on another computer

Create an emergency repair USB drive:
Download Dr Web Live USB to your desktop

[]Connect a USB flash drive to the computer. Registering the plugging in event takes no more than 10 seconds.
]Launch drwebliveusb.exe.
[*]The program will detect available USB-devices automatically and prompt you to choose the one you’d like to use as an emergency repair drive. You can format the device if you like (a warning will be displayed before you proceed with formatting). In order to read the License agreement, follow a corresponding link found in the program window (the page containing the license agreement text will be loaded in your default browser).

[]To create a bootable USB flash drive, press the Create Dr.Web LiveUSB button.
]Files will be copied automatically.
[]Once the copying process is completed, press the Exit button to close the application.
]Reboot the infected computer with the USB in the drive
[]Ensure that the first boot device is USB - If you are not sure about that then see this page for instructions
]As loading starts, a dialogue window will prompt you to choose between the standard and safe modes.

[*]Use arrow keys to select DrWeb-LiveCD (Default)

[*]Press select objects for scanning

[*]When the system is loaded, check the disks or folders you want to scan, and click on Start.

[*]The programme will now scan for and cure/delete any malware that it finds. Allow it to do so

[*]When it has completed

[]Select Open Report and copy to the USB
]Once completed reboot to normal windows, and attach the report here

the application of the program is different, and after analyzing all, I’m going to results → Journal → Export → Save> but when I restart and find the file on both pc as usb, can not find it

performed the following actions? even if important files windows?

this is the third time I step scan, because q in the previous two were not saved the file (four hours scanning )

Is it finding and curing the Virut ?

I will download and run a fresh copy to update my screenshots

Doctor Web Analysis attached …

OK Dr WEb has stated that it cured the infections. Now it will need to run a second time to ensure that nothing slipped past it. If that scan comes up clean then go to normal windows and run a fresh OTL scan please

Thank you. in fact the Win32: Vitro was eliminated, when you restart in normal mode, Avast has detected new variants:

Win32: Virut - ANS
Win32: Virut - AOZ
Win32: Virut - AFX
Win32: Virut - AGO
Win32: Patched - AJW [Trj]
Win32: Patched - AML
Win32: Patched - YIT [Trj]
Win32: Patched - XP
Win32: Crypt - KOW [Trj]

Windows is notifying me in a window:

Insert the CD for repair?

That isd the problem with virut it is a sloppy file infector and will damage windows files

So probably your best bet at this stage is a full reformat and reinstall

if in any case choose to format.
Is the entire hard drive, or only partition c?

So how do you save the information you may have?

You may back up and save any document files, pictures and songs any other file type will probably be damaged

There is a reformat tutorial here

@ Essexboy.

He is asking if he should format the whole HDD or just the partition where he got his OS. Also, he should skip the part where it says " Download all installed programmes that you wish to keep… " in your tutorial since all executes may be infected. Shouldn’t he ?