From July 3 day, everything was fine until it opened a program (before the opening, it was very good), I use avast antivirus and started sending threatening messages all the time. And every time you open a “request” at the end (. * Exe) detected as a virus, I immediately sent to quarantine also lock function detects rundll32.exe files and important system files within avast quarantine infected were mentioned as win32 files: in vitro.
I performed the role of Avast to analyze PC at home before, but as any file (*. Exe) I was taking, I decided to cancel because I’m not sure. And even connect to the internet is blocking me.
Now 'm coming from Safe Mode with Networking. to provide solution to the problem
I began to realize what he said the manual in case of this type of virus in accordance to page:
I’ve done step by step the mentioned programs. And I’ll beuploading their reports.
I must clarify that since the problem was detected on July 3. I have not turned on the pc so far for fear of infecting more (*. Exe)