Help I have a virus and need a GOOD removal program plz!

My computer is like jacked because I have trojans and malware and milacious viruses all over I NEED HELP removing them please help me I need something that will literally remove them to the point where my computer works good again! k thxss

Also any website would be great to help me get a free program thanks again!

Please this is no joke at all I seriously need help I am not totally all with the computer knowledge so thats why I need the help PLEASEE!

Try Malwarebytes AntiMalware or SuperAntiSpyware Free.

Thanks a lot man I really hope it works, so to like spam and not look around but Im just really impatient and want to get it fixed! :slight_smile: thxs again!

For best results update MBAM & SAS before scanning.

Its not spam.

Patience is a virtue especially when removing malware then finding out how to prevent it from happening.

Run a boot time scan with Avast or one of the listed programs, If that doesn’t remove it, trying getting “Hijackthis”.Would someone care to post a link?Anyways Once you have Hijackthis scan with it and post us a log