help "inaccessible_boot_device"

Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional (Build 2195) Service Pack 4 / UnknownType , MMX, ~793Mhz / 122352 KB / avast! 4.7.1001 / 000757-1, 16/07/07


J’espere que vous allez pouvoir m’aider.
Voici mon probleme: j’ai été victime d’attaques virales qui m’ont conduit a acheter votre logiciel avast! version 4.7 Professionnel.
Des virus type “mytob” ont été trouvés et erratiqués.
Dans le fichier pagefile.sys le virus “bleah-d” a été detecté.
A present les scans ne trouvent plus de virus sur ma machine.
Cependant lors du redemmarage (en mode sans echec, en mode vga ou en mode standard) j’obtiens toujours un ecran bleu et le message suivant:

“stop 0x0000007b (0xf782784C, 0xc0000034, 0x00000000, 0x00000000)

Pour debloquer la machine je redemmarre avec le cd d’intallation de “windows 2000 pro” en mode recuperation et l’option “C” console.
J’execute alors la commande: “chkdsk c: /R”.
Cette commande executée correctement, je redemarre la machine en mode standard et la machine fonctionne correctement jusqu’au prochain arret du systeme.
Au redemarrage suivant je dois refaire la méme procedure.
Dois-je utiliser la commande fixboot et/ou fixmbr?
Merci pour votre assistance.

Eric Cervier


I hope that you go to be able to help me.
Here is my problem: I was a victim of viral attacks which led(drove) me to buy your avast software! Professional version 4.7.
Typical viruses " mytob " were found and deleted.
In the file pagefile.sys the virus " bleah-d " was found.
Now scans find no more virus on my machine.
However during the restart (in save mode, in vga mode VGA or in standard mode) I always obtain a blue screen and the following message:

“stop 0x0000007b (0xf782784C, 0xc0000034, 0x00000000, 0x00000000)

I restart with the cd of intallation of " Windows 2000 pro " in rescue mode and the option “C” console.
Then I execute the command line: " chkdsk c: / R ".
This command line correctly executed, I restart the machine in standard mode and the machine works correctly up to the next stop of the system.
In the following restart I have to redo the same procedure.
Do I have to use the command line “fixboot” and/or “fixmbr”?
Thank you for your assistance.

Eric Cervier

fixboot is not that dangerous.
But fixmbr could make you lost all your data… please, backup everything you can (need) before.
You can try booting with
There you can verify is the partition is Set Ative or check the MBR status.