First I want to apologize for my English. It is very, very poor. I will try to explain as best as possible.
Yesterday Avast! went crazy. It detected one infection again and again and it didn’t stop. It was LNK:Runner-B[Trj]. Avast! said that it moved to the viruses box the file “runctf.nlk”. And it was true. It is about 500 times in the viruses box.
SuperAntiSpyware, Malwarebytes and Avast! were running all night. In the morning I saw the reports:
• SuperAntiSpyware detected 2 Trojans and a lot of cookies (I have no log)
• Avast! detected only several files about lgupdates.
• Malwarebytes detected the same Trojans (wgsdgsdgsdgsd.exe) and “runctf.nlk”. (I have the log)
Fist I deleted the files detected with Super. Then I deleted the files detected with Malwarebytes… And it started again. Avast again began to detect “runctf.nlk”. I restarted the computer and from then until now there have been no problems.
Anyway I am not sure that the computer was clean. So I have done all you say in this post and here you are the adwCleaner, Malwarebytes, OTL and aswMBR logs.
Could you be so kind to help me?
Thanks in advance.
P.D.: Tonight I am going to run the antiviruses again (Super, Malware and Avast!)
Edited: Logs removed