Help me please....trojan and viruses!!!

Hi. recently the Avira installed in my computer keep on popping up warning me about a few trojan and rookit detected. But my avast did not warn me anything. a few of them are in C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\aec.sys, C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\ppbvbywt.sys , C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\sptd.sys and …there is alot…may i know how can i remove all of them?and i few that my com is a little bit lag these few days…please help me…

and since i’m a noob…i dont dare to delete away those because i’m afraid it will affect my system…

Do you have avira and avast installed on the computer ? if so that is probably the problem

so remove one (avira … ;D )
it is recomended to run a removal tool to remove all leftovers after an uninstall
you can find it here, Avira is Nr.4

Two Antivirus programs

Clash Of The Antivirus Apps

Pondus you where a bit faster then me to answer ;D

;)…tjena grabben …har lynraskt bredbånd… ;D

Check your computer for Malware with

Malwarebytes Antimalware
after install click UPDATE and run quick scan, click on REMOVE SELECTED to quarantine anything found

Are cookies really spyware and are they dangerous?

If anything is found come back and post the scan logs here

actually i also prefer avast than avira…because it’s pre installed…thats why i dint bother about it…going to remove it and check again…^^

this is what malwarebytes has found…please take a look for me…thanks…

when you have removed Avira, do a new scan with MBAM and click the " remove selected " button to quarantine the infections, then
restart and do a new scan to see if it comes up clean !..

yes…it is clean now…thanks so much… :slight_smile:

recomended to also do a run with SUPERAntiSpyware as it somtimes detect things missed by MBAM

So now does it mean that i cannot delete malwarebytes? if i were to delete it, the virus will be released into the system again?

No if you uninstall the infections will be deleted, you can also go to the MBAM quarantine and delete the malware, but there is no need to do that yet. wait a week or to to see if there is no problem with the computer before you empty the quarantine

So why do you want to delete Malwarebytes ? avast and malwarebytes works fine together, see my signatur

nah…i’m just curious to ask the question…

i dont think there is any problem now…will check back to you later…thanks…