hello , i dont know if this is a problem but my antivirus is updated 3 times a day
that’s normal? ??? please reply fast because I’m thinking to uninstall avast :-\
The virus signatures are updated normally twice per day but could be more if new viruses are found that are more serious as not to wait for the next update.
People normally complain that there aren’t enough updates ;D
Not a good idea running two antiviruses on same computer. Go to program settings and click update basic press details and alter value time in mins default 240mins min 30 mins to a higher value. Avast updates for a reason as new viruses are about all the time. It is only doing its job!
I don’t believe it is stated that rockberto is using two antiviruses, just that his antivirus (avast presumably, which is installed) has updated three times in a day.
I guess we will have to wait for some feedback from rockberto.
hello, im using only 1 antivirus, but sometimes the update is 3 times a day
maybe that’s a virus ???
A virus would have the reverse effect, trying to block an AVs updates rather than increase the number of updates, which effectively it can’t do (launch the avast update check).
As was said there are now two routine incremental updates (which should be relatively small) and on occasions other updates depending on the priority (malware that is included in the update), it may not wait for the routine update, but be made available. So the next time your system checks for an update, if one is available it will be downloaded.
Probably updating 3 times might be problem if not occasionally. However, clean installation of avast! 4.8 probably would not fix it. Instead, try using a firewall with both application control and Windows configuration recovery ~
Probably updating 3 times might be problem if not occasionally. However, clean installation of avast! 4.8 probably would not fix it.Fix what? updating 3 times a day is not a problem.
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It might be problem if too often but not occasionally (probably off-topic). Probably checking the link in quoted post could help ensure security ~