hello out there…
I think I made a few MAJOR mistakes after my download of avast 4.0.
I downloaded after norton av200 shut my computer off while scanning. This has been happening for a while now.
It doesn’t stand by, or go into hibernation - shuts OFF, before the scan is complete (w/ norton).
First, I did NOT uninstall norton (I also have adware, and
Ran the avast scan imediately after download.
of course there were two infected (windows) files.
I tried clicking on repair, but it brought me right back to my options again.
I hit delete (oops…didn’t see a quarantine option. I usually opt for that to see if my computer acts funny before I delete files. I have always ended up deleting - with no problems.)
I fear I have made a MEGA mistake.
another mistake I made (sorry to make you cringe so much)…when my computer (laptop) wouldn’t shut down- I couldn’t click on anything, and the on/off switch din’t work either - no response)… I (gulp) took the battery out, so she would turn off.
(I hope you folks’ll help complete and total idiots - I NEVER cease to amaze myself)
Now…I turn her on and I see my desktop (with icons)
I try to hit start, and right now the “timer thingy” is on when I hover over the start button. When I move away, it’s just the “pointer”.
Can’t click anything, won’t turn off (I’ve left her on this time).
Luckily I can use the ol’ desktop, 'cause my laptop seems kinda frozen.
Is ther ANY hope/help for me??
(windows xp - dunno what other info you may need let me know)
Thank You oh learn-ed ones,
(name changed to protect what’s left of my innocence)
so you will know in the future dont install 2 resident AV programs at the same time. (like avast and norton)
Ad-aware and sysweeper are comatible with avast so dont worry about them.
TRY to boot into safe mode and uninstall norton. See if that will at least let it boot.
me again…
the saga - no, EPIC continues…
well, I managed to boot in safe mode (f8 version),
I have Norton AV and Norton Internet Security.
programs>norton av (has NO uninstall option),
norton security does. But, I get the windows installer message:
“The Windows Installer Service could not be accessed.
This can occur if you are running Windows in safe mode, or if the Windows Installer is not correctly installed.
Contact your support personnel for assistance”
on norton help pages found this note:
Note: During uninstall, Windows may indicate that it is installing software. This is a general Microsoft installer message and can be disregarded.
so…I started the “regular” way. Hit start, programs>norton internet security>uninstall.
I got the blurb mentioned in the norton support pages, then it seemed to freeze up, some “flashing” (progrm menu/list) - now there’s only the icons on my screen.
And when I try to click on start, nothing happens
When I try to turn of - it stays on.
…actually, the screen changed again - only wallpaper.
no icons, no task bar.
I started in safe mode, and the norton programs are no longer in the program menu.
I’m starting again in “standard” mode.
YIKES! Norton is IN the program menu. tried to uninstall, and computer freezes up.
figured, maybe a restart was needed. I’ve been taking the battery out, and not ending properly.
I was able ot do start>restart
but then the end program message comes up
(I didn’t think I had any programs running),
now I’m frozen again (can’t click on start or turn off).
tried again (to restart),
now I’m staring at the "saving your settings " screen.
It’s been up a few minutes - I don’t want to touch it -I would really like for this badboy to shut down on it’s own.
at this point it doesn’t look likely.
any suggestions (other than trading her in for a mac)?
Thank you again for your random act of kindness,
just so you know…
I was able to shut off my laptop (properly) while in safe mode.
any suggestions (other than trading her in for a macHA HA I was [i]JUST[/i] about to recommend you do that ;D
ok norton unstallation freeses what about avast? can you uninstall avast in safe mode or in normal mode? we need to get one of the programs off your computer so the 2 resident shields will stop fighting.
just got your reply
(yeesh- why didn’t I think of that!)
I have to get off line for a couple of hours, but I’ll try late tonite when I get back.
I’ll leave a little message (or my standard novella), let you know how it goes.
'til then,
good let me know how it turns out
Oh, Mac you’re right… One of the two antivirus must be uninstalled… I just forget that avast! could be the first one. Forgive me, I always want avast! installed and not the opposite.
Bubble, ask for help and we will be here
Bubble: I don’t know if this will work on your computer, but on mine I also used to remove the battery when a lockup kept me from shutting down. I found that by holding the on/off button down for 5 seconds, it will shut off. Hopefully you won’t even have that problem again.
I’m back
I was able to uninstall avast while in safe mode
(thank you, the powers that be, for thinking of the bumbling idiots who needed his option)
After a reboot, I was able to uninstall ALL
Norton Programs (YEA!).
Instead of sittin’ here nekkid, and all sorts of exposed,
I downloaded avast4 .
I’m currently running a scan.
I’ll get in touch again when the scan is complete.
At that time I’ll let you know if I’ll be sipping a celebratory martini (or something similar), or sobbing uncontrollably into my beverage.
my last update before bedtime…
some files were infected, I tied to “fix”
them, but the options re-appeared, so I moved them.
Is this similar to “quarantine”?
3 system files.
I’m off to research these badboys, then it’s of to bed for me.
I’ll check back in the am.
feel free to leave any words of wisdom, advice, or condolences.
thanks again,
I searched around, and found that these three files are put in the chest automatically.
According to my avast “page”
no scan has occured.
I’ve officially registered (that may help),
and am awaiting my “official” email.
as soon as I can, I’ll run yet another scan
I’m a weary girl
will battle this on the morrow.
(wish me luck)
If you mean ‘move to Chest’, yes, the words refer to the same (Chest = Quarentine)
As you discovered after, these three files are ‘copied’ (backup) into Chest for security reason. They are not infected.
…and I do wish you luck!
The wonderful folks in these forums were lifesavers to me…and very kind! I am the mother of all technically challenged people ;D
glad We could help you!
I second Cojo’s words.
I must be the father of the technically challenged :
Cojo and Phil won’t be my grandparents but only my mother and father…
I’m not so young :-\
hello, hello
so these are the viruses (or is it virii?)
hangin’ out in the chest area:
win32 subsearch
win32 Trogen-gen (other)
I couldn’t find much info under these names.
How can I find out more about them?
I now have avast, in addition to spysweeper, and adaware.
anything else anyone can suggest to keep me on the safe side?
I plan on switching browsers and email stuff -
probably over to mozilla. ( I currently use IE, and outlook).
Thanks again, and again.
I do appreciate ALL the help
(so glad you were here).
p.s. Thanks Mom, and Dad
Uncle Mac, Uncle Techie, and cousin wannabe
;D …this old broad really is old enough to be your grandmomma!
and, Technical, I am technically challenged for sure…you, on the other hand, are very good at teaching me!
thank you, my friend!
bubblroffplump, mozilla will be best. Mozilla 1.7 is about to be released it has email and browser in one and is not buggy like firefox.
Download spybot S&D and update it that will complete your arsenal.
to find out more about the chest files copy them to a floppy and scan the floppy useing trendmicro housecall and give me the names it reports and I will search for more information on them.