help on rootkit detection

This morning when i open my laptop, a warning msg from Avast appeared. File name:C:\PROGRA~1\FUJITS~1\PCD5SRVC.pkms and type:Rootkit: hidden process. The prompt action is to either delete it or ignore. But one question arise, should i delete it? cause i am using Fujitsu laptop and maybe it is one of its component?? Thanks.

I just see through the one of the post “rootkits” below, and found out i can send to virus total for analysis. But i don’t know where is the location of the files? Can someone pls heeeelp me?? Thanks

Just copy and paste this line into the file box on virustotal


PCD5SRVC.pkms is the same name as a Dell support file. You could also set your folder options to show all files and folders, the goto C:\PROGRAM FILES\Fujitsu\PCD5SRVC.pkms . Right click the file and view it’s properties.