Help On Virus On Winamp And Media Player

Well Can Any One Help Me.

I have a virus which dont know what it is called or where it came from.

It is a virus which when i play movies or listen to music in Winamp and windows media,

i get small lines come on to the screen like a centermeter long, it starts with one then

breeds in to many. when i close the program they go away and then when open again

and start to play a film or music they come back again.

please can somebody help me or advise me.

yours faithfully

The Kray

or just Chris

Did you full scan your system with avast?

Can you scan your system with antispywares and antitrojans applications I’m listing bellow?
Spybot Search and Destroy
Webroot Spy Sweeper:
Microsoft AntiSpyware
X-Cleaner Free

For antiTrojans see the sharewares bellow (download, install, update and run it, you can test it for some days):

Can you scan on-line your system?


Sadly TDS-3 has been discontinued. :cry:

I’m not that sad… I recommend it just because a lot of other people do.
I never like it, tryed but has a very non-impressive behavior… even crash…
I’ll remove of that list. Thank Frank.

It used to catch Trojans that avast! didn’t. This week I had to manually remove four Trojans which avast! had missed from a computer.

TDS-3 was discontinued apparently because of the improved detection of Trojans by anti-virus programs.

It seems avast! has some catching up to do!

Ewido recognised one of the critters when I copied it to a floppy, but I couldn’t use it on the computer itself because it was ME. a-Squared works on ME but couldn’t see the Trojan. At Jotti, Clam-Win and Anti-Vir had it nailed.

Just one example, but avast! needs to pull its socks up if it’s going to be taken seriously as an AV. It’s no good if we have to recommend other programs to remove malware avast! should be finding.

avast! is light-years ahead of Anti-Vir and Clam-Win in terms of features, but always seems to lag behind in detection.

PS Sorry for butting in on your posting with my rant Krayster. Follow Techs advice and you should be alright!

What is wrong with the topic you started on this two days ago?
Duplicat posts don’t mean the problem will be resolved quicker. You should have continued on the original topic as this just causes duplication of effort for those who try to help.

Frank, here, we’re discussing Rootkits and the need of avast improvements.
You’ve said avast! is better than Anti-Vir and Clam-Win in features. We need better detection for sure.