Hi I’ve just installed avast and my pc has gone potty for ages I couldn’t get windows to respond then it just kept going to a blank blue screen I spoke to someone they have advised me to reinstall windows and try again this is where I’m at now it’s a dial up connect so it’s been slow what happened?
Do you have any other antivirus in your computer?
Which version of avast were you trying to install (Home, Trial or Profesional)?
Any other security program intalled?
Which is your Windows?
Without info we can’t help you…
Hi thanks for the response I have windows xp and I’d just down loaded spybot and avast home. It’s my mates pc and she has been using the internet without any additional security for 3 weeks she said she did have notification once that she never had an anti virus on it and did she want to buy on but she couldn’t remember which one she said her connection had gotten really slow over the weekend. I never got time to scan for anything before it all stopped on me hope this helps ???
Sorry, your info is not making the things clearly, I mean, technically speaking.
What I can see is the computer is hardly compromissed, infected…
Maybe the easier and faster will be starting all over again and, this time, use a firewall and an antivirus + antispyware :-[
It is best to have 4 different kinds or types of protection
on a computer : 1) an anti-virus like Avast 2) an
anti-spyware like Spybot or Ad-Aware 3) an anti-trojan
like Ewido 4) a firewall to try and stop hackers .
If you are willing to download Ad-Aware and post a
“Full System Scan” setting logfile, I would be willing to look
at it and give my evaluation of what it shows !?
Looks like your friend didn’t know about commandments 4 & 5:
4. Thou shalt not connect to the internet without installing an antivirus, nor shalt thou begin a scan without checking for updates. 5. Thou shalt not connect to the internet without installing a firewall.
Is this a new computer, or just newly connected to the net?
If it’s new, it probably won’t be worth trying to clean it: just restore it to factory settings and start again. as Tech has said.
This time, install an AV and a good firewall (ZA or Kerio) straight away, and update the computer at the MS update site, because even a new computer can have security vulnerabilities.
If you do want to try and clean it, Trend Micro Sysclean is the best thing to use, followed by McAfee Stinger, Ad-Aware and Spybot Search and Destroy.
After running these, see if avast! is responding and try a boot time scan.
Ewido is also worth running as Spiritsongs mentioned, if the computer is responding well enough to install it.
Finally, post a HijackThis! log so we can check that the computer really is clean.
Thanks you lot you’ve stopped me paniking, I tried reinstalling windows that got through but it won’t entertain downloading offce or any of the others??? The system is new and when they first got it the system could not recognise the modem I got that fixed for them but with this there is nothing the cd drive has decided to go on holiday. Is it worth complaining in the manufcturers ear instead of annoying you fine people ???
Hi I know this has nothing to do with my first question but as I’m on this site I like to take a look around and I’ve just noticed that at the right hand side of all my posts theres a number and when I’ve looked at others it says report to moderator. If it’s something silly you can laugh but now you know what your dealing with ;D
It is your current IP address, strangely I don’t see it, so you may have switched something on in your profile. It is only visible to you and Moderators no one else, this is the full explanation.
Your IP address is shown only to you and moderators. Remember that this information is not identifying, and that most IPs change periodically.You cannot see other member’s IP addresses, and they cannot see yours.
If you infringe one of the forum Policy rules (spam, abuse, etc.) your post can be reported to one of the Moderators by clicking on the link. The person making the report also has their details recorded so it can’t be abused.
Ah I get it thanks David I wonder the whole time just incase I do something wrong : what do you think about my other problem :-\ it feels like there’s not a brain cell in this room with this one
Sorry, I have been following it and my first thought was some form of screen saver, but likely wrong as there really wasn’t much information to go on.
Also useful as a diagnostic tool, which shows just what is running on your system - Download HiJackThis.zip - HJT Information HiJackThis Tutorial 1 or HiJackThis Tutorial 2
For an on-line analysis - HiJackThis Log file - On-line Analysis
Ignore any 023 reference to avast processes, this is a hiccup in the HJT 1.99.1 (especially missing file entry for avast), if you need any help with any of the analysis let us know.
OR HiJackThis Log file - On-line Analysis 2
Hi I will as soon as I can get it to do something it’s taking the the huff soon as I installed avast then it took 2 hours just to decid to except that I wanted to reinstall windows, now it’s decided that was to much work and won’t run at all not a sausage. The only thing you get is the welcome to windows and it stops can’t even switch it off only at the wall.This is why I thought maybe it could be mechanical and not viruial and it’s still under gurantee as it’s 3wks old. What to do other than scream I don’t Know.
If the computer has been bought within the last several
months, there should be a warranty that allows it to be
“fixed” free-of-charge, so why not take it back to the store
where it was purchased !? If you do, just don’t let them
sell you programs to provide security as there are MANY
good and FREE products available over the internet. See :