HELP! Side-by-side configuration is incorrect, avast won't install :(

Hey everyone,

I’ve uninstalled avast cos my subscription was up. Have been trying to re=install it but it just says, after downloading, that ‘the application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect. please see the application event log for more detail’. There was a post on this already so I followed the advice but nothing worked. I attempted to do the following:

  1. Download the Visual C++ 2008 redistributable package from Microsoft at
  2. Attempt to execute it. It should extract the files and install it.
  3. Now try to start Avast. If it doesn’t work and you get the side by side error, continue.
  4. Create a folder called “ms” (without the quotes) on your root directory of your hard drive ex. c:\ms
  5. Copy the file you downloaded into that directory
  6. Go to the command line with administrator privileges.
    6a. If you don’t know how to do it, go to All Programs > Accessories. Find Command Prompt. Hover over it. Right click and click on “Run as administrator”.
  7. Type the following and press enter: cd \ms
  8. Type the following and press enter: vcredist_x86.exe -x
  9. It will ask you for a directory to save extracted files. Type in c:\ms\extract and click OK.
  10. Files will be extracted. Close the command prompt window.
  11. Using file explorer go to c:\ms\extract
  12. Double click on vc_red.msi (if you have extensions hidden, execute the vc_red that has a type “Windows Installer Package”).
  13. Installer package will install.
  14. Delete c:\ms as you will no longer need it.

I got error 1935 after downloading the visual redistributable package from microsoft. I then tried to do the rest in the command directory. The command directory didn’t recognise the command pathways. HELP!!!

Please read here:

I have the same problem as Cogan and unfortunately the ms support page doesn’t help as the specified registry key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\COMPONENTS" doesn’t exist at all on my system ???. I’m running on Windows 7 Ultimate 64 Bit.

Are there any other possible solutions?

If I try to install Visual C++ 2008 I get the same error message as mentioned above.

Many thanks in advance.

Go to Control Panel → Administrative Tools → Services, and check the status of the “Windows Installer” service. Is it started? If not, can it be started? If not, isn’t it disabled?


Thx for the immediate reply.

Windows Installer is started and can be restarted as well. Windows Update is working also.

Hey guys, long time Avast user, first time poster… ;D

Keep in mind that if you have a 64-bit OS (x64) then that installer in the instructions up top wont help… u would need to install the 64-bit C++… that one is for 32-bit OS (x86)

Later :stuck_out_tongue:

Welcom to the forum and thanks for your feedback…!! :slight_smile: