Q: I have installed ‘avast! 4 Home’ and everytime I try to open it, I get an error message stating: “unknown error message”, “Application cannot load skin. Function usiGetSkin Failed”. How can I fix this?
Select START → RUN…
Enter the following command:
If you have Windows NT or 2000:
If you have Windows 95, 98 or ME:
If you have Windows XP:
Press OK (or Enter).
A message saying that the file was successfully registered should appear
Dll Register in ACTSKIN4.OCX failed. Return code was Ox8002009 whatever that means…help
Which is your operational system?
Did you have any other antivirus installed in this computer? And did you have in the past?
Did you search the board for 8002009 keyword to find any relevant info?
My O.S is windows xp (service pack 2) no other anti virus I used avg a while back but since then have used avast with no problems untill now
Please, don’t post twice the same, you just double the help effort
Follow here: http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=27262
sorry but I need double the help as no one can tell me how to mark the skin problem work (I have disabled skins and it is working but I want to use it with skins)
Doubling the posts NEVER double the help efforts… only upset the helpers…
lol sorry as you can see I am now only using one