Help understanding the sandbox please?

I have been using the paid version of Sandboxie and found it intuitivly easy. If I downloaded a file, I could recover it and it let me save my bookmarks out of the sandbox, both important features.

Now a windows optional update that failed has corrupted Sandboxie, even after an uninstall and reinstall.

I can’t find much information about Avast Sandbox, though I use the Internet Security Suite. Will it also let me recover downloaded files and save bookmarks outside the sandbox: In other words, give me the control that Sandboxie did?

Thanks for any advice!

Will this help?

If you use IE9, things you download while the browser is sandboxed will be invisible and inaccessible if you choose to download them to any place but the default downloads folder. Chrome works fine sandboxed though.

Thanks for the tips and the view of the sandbox configuration. I almost always use Firefox. Would that be a problem?