Help with addressing some false positives


I’m sorry to ask here - but I’ve tried to email in the past, and I suspect Avast systems may not be receiving my mails. Feel free to mail me directly, and remove my post.

I’m the operator of a dns hosting service, and I’m trying to interpret a dataset for flagging possible misuse attempts.

Within this dataset includes data from Avast - but unfortunately for the moment, a pattern has emerged where Avast seems to hit overwhelmingly most commonly for sites without any viruses at all, hostnames which (to my knowledge, anyway) have never contained viruses, resulting in a large set of false positives.

Here’s a few samples of what I am seeing over and over - (but there’s quite a number more then just this in the dataset):

My concern is not only may these be possibly negatively affecting innocent site operators (who may not be aware Avast has them flagged) but, the flip side is that the listings are also not accurate enough for me to be able to be able to take any actions with from my end at the moment.

If I can locate trustworthy input, I would be glad to implement it.

I appreciate any assistance, thanks!



I'm sorry to ask here - but I've tried to email in the past, and I suspect Avast systems may not be receiving my mails.
[b]avast support [/b]