Help With AppData\LocalLow virus

I Have had no luck finding anything on this on the forums with very limited stuff elsewhere so…

I am having trouble with some malware/virus that is originating from C:\Users\MyPc\AppData\LocalLow\Adobe\Eeqqhmic\tmwhchclr\Ewqfufv.exe Which is a folder I cannot access to even attempt to manually delete it.

Avast Sees and blocks it when it tries to open up one of several websites, but does not see it upon scanning the system nor attempts to delete it.

Any help here would be appreciated. I would like to not have to format my computer again.

I was able to finagle a way to find the location of the file but cant delete manually as there are about ten versions running in my processes. Its masked as Google Chrome. im going to try safe mode and sandbox mode real fast.

Continuing the story of Man Vs. Virus safe mode seemed successful but the virus just moved to C:\Users\MyPc\AppData\LocalLow\EmieUserList
Which I actually found a lot of info on during a search.

trying a malware remover now. we will see how this goes.

The Fact that I have been terrified to do anything online since I formatted, has lead to the only places me going are email, school related sites and you tube, makes me question where this came from, and why my Avast has neither caught it, nor has it in its data base to delete or at the very least quarantine.

The malwarebyte anti-malware and spy bot search and destroy were unsuccessful. I seemed to have a small opportunity to delete everything in the parent folder before they booted. So far I don’t see it in my task manager processes, and unless it made itself into an svchost I don’t see anything out of the ordinary. I suppose only a restart will tell for sure. Fingers Crossed.

So Far so good. I seemed to have taken out everything needed for the virus to replicate and reinstall.

No Annoying popups from Avast telling me something is trying to open websites. Searches on they different names and folders come up negative. Yay!~

I will give it a couple of days and see if it found a different hiding place. If nothing I will report so and try out a couple of websites. I honestly think its from youtube. wonky things tend to happen, since everyone started to use ads with their videos.

Anyways if you get no other help these are the steps I took along my journey. hopefully they work for everyone else. my next step would have been to try and block it in registry, which can tend to end badly sometimes.
