help with email and internet

I loaded avast home edition and now my email doesn’t work and I also can not go to any web sites. can anyone help me?

What OS?
What browser and email client?
What firewall?

Ensure your firewall allows access to ashWebSv.exe, ashMaiSv.exea nd ashUpdSv.exe.

i am using outlookexpress and windows xp i don’t believe i am using a fire wall and if i am i don’t know where it is, i am on dial up.

now my email doesn't work and I also can not go to any web sites
Are you getting any warnings or error messages, if so what?

Check your proxy settings, try direct connection no proxy (even though you are on dial-up, different connection).

Very advisable (in todays climate) to have a firewall, Zone Alarm is reasonably user friendly for first firewall.