i am running windows me and apparently been infected with the VBSWG worm. although avg detected the virus on an e-mail, was not able to get rid of it (and doesn’t find it during scan) but something is eating away at my memory which is down to 8mb. i downloaded the free avast virus cleaner and can get as far as ‘scanning shared memory’ when my computer locks up. what should i do? i really need some help, please. thank you.
The avast virus cleaner is only for a limited number of viruses/worms as indicated here - http://www.avast.com/eng/avast_cleaner.html
Have you downloaded the full avast4home program? If you have and you are trying to have two resident scanners there are likely to be conflicts, this is frequently discussed in these forums.
Uninstall avast, reboot, uninstall AVG, reboot and install avast.
What is your email program?
thank you for replying. my email is outlook express. i quit the anti virus programs i have before running the avast cleaner, but you think i should still unistall? then install the avast4home, then run the cleaner, or will the4home take care of it? sorry for my confusion.
first give us the full message from AVG:
virus name and complete path/folder/filename
then post a hijackthis-Log for diagnosis: you’ll find the link via “VirusRemoval” below in my signature
(you don’t need to uninstall AVG in order to run avast cleaner, only if you want to install the complete AVAST AV-scanner)
if you do: download the avast installation package, go offline, uninstall AVG, reboot, install avast, reboot to safeMode, and do a full thorough scan with archive-scanning enabled; report results here…
have you tried running the Cleaner in SafeMode (F8-Boot) ?
although it probably won’t help as david pointed out…
It is possible to remove an infected email from within an OE email folder/.dbx file, using the fully installed avast4home version, previously the only option was to delete the complete .dbx file.
You could also try to manually find and delete the infected email from within OE and then clear the deleted items folder.
As whocares said the best way to detect running processes is with hijackthis.