Brand new to the board here and hoping someone can help me with an Avast internet security license key issue. I went to Avasts website which directed me to IYogi. I spent an hour on the phone with them and all they wanted to do was charge me $189 for remote support, telling me I had a heap of issues with my PC.
Here’s the run down;
Currently running Vista on my PC and a paid version of Avast internet security that has just expired. Also running Windows 7 on my Laptop with a paid version of Avast internet security that has got a couple of months to run.
I followed the prompts on the PC when Avast flashed up saying it had expired and ended up purchasing 2 years of Internet security for 3 PC’s.
It took me to a web page and I downloaded the new version as instructed and then downloaded the license key as instructed.
When I opened Avast it asked me to open the folder with the license key in it. The license key downloaded and saved itself as a HTML file in my downloads folder. I direct Avast to the downloads folder but it seems unable to recognize the HTML file??
There, you should be able to insert your personal info (specially, the same email address you used to purchase your last license) and receive (they “resend”) the valid license file.
Installing AIS TRIAL, rebooting and inserting the (re-sent) license file is the simple method I would use if all normal attempts failed.
There are more methods to contact the sales department, but I think you won’t need them for this case.
You are correct, I know. The reason I mention AIS TRIAL is that in some cases users ask where to download “their” version (the one they originally received in the registration email). Or they installed an old version (the one available a the time they originally registered). Or they install the Free edition and add the license for AIS (which, in theory, should upgrade it, but in practice many cases fail for whichever reason).
So, when I mention to download and install AIS TRAIL, is for the reader to know what exactly to download (that’s how it is displayed in the web pages of avast), without having to explain every detail.
In addition, I generally recommend testing the trial and when the user confirms it is working correctly for several days, then add the license file. By this, it is easier for the (newbie) user to separate which part of the procedure is really failing: the install, the program or the license.
In many cases, the uninstallation is not necessary either. By rebooting, then installing the latest stable version, and rebooting again, many problems are solved. This avoids wasting time in “clean ups” and reconfiguration of avast. If installing over the current installation is not enough, then start with the clean up.
According to the next feedback of the OP (if it ever is posted), we can add specific instructions in case are needed. I just though that posting more general (broader and simpler) instructions in this topic was enough in this case.
Thanks for all you help. I got it to work by re-sending the email with the licence code in it from my lap top. Not sure why it didn’t work the 1st time but it is all good now.
I will be checking here next time rather than calling iyogi!!