I’m not technical and need some help please. Avast 5.1.889 will expire in a few days and I did a clean install last year but forget how to do it.
Which version of aswClear should I download to my desktop?
Do I download the newest avast version to my desktop also before I uninstall the old version?
Should I uninstall old version in safe mode then shut down my computer and then restart in safe mode to install the new version?
I don’t know what the P2P Shield does so what exactly is it? Can I choose to not install it and any other shields that I don’t need? No one uses my computer except me.
I have Windows XP SP2, Windows Firewall, Malwarebytes, CCleaner, and Spywareblaster so do any of these things conflict with avast and cause any problems? Thanks for any EASY help because I’m not technical!
Which version of aswClear should I download to my desktop?
the one and only.....you find avast versions in aswClear dropp down menu[b] read the instructions on website[/b] http://www.avast.com/en-eu/uninstall-utility
Do I download the newest avast version to my desktop also before I uninstall the old version?
you may do that
I don't know what the P2P Shield does so what exactly is it? Can I choose to not install it and any other shields that I don't need? No one uses my computer except me.
yes you may uninstall shields not used.
what they are fore...see avast help file in avast top right corner........or here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avast!
5. I have Windows XP SP2, Windows Firewall, Malwarebytes, CCleaner, and Spywareblaster so do any of these things conflict with avast and cause any problems?
you dont need spywareblaster with the latest browsers
I’m not technical and need some help please. Avast 5.1.889 will expire in a few days and I did a clean install last year but forget how to do it.
Which version of aswClear should I download to my desktop? -( The version available now will uninstall all versions http://www.avast.com/uninstall-utility )
Do I download the newest avast version to my desktop also before I uninstall the old version? -( It would be better and safer. )
Should I uninstall old version in safe mode then shut down my computer and then restart in safe mode to install the new version? -( Try to uninstall normally first then clean up in safe mode. )
I don’t know what the P2P Shield does so what exactly is it? Can I choose to not install it and any other shields that I don’t need? No one uses my computer except me.( It monitors peer to peer programs such as Utorrent, Vuze etc, you dont have to have it if you dont use peer software but if it’s not running it wont use any resources, choosing custom install will allow you to untick options you dont want. )
I have Windows XP SP2, Windows Firewall, Malwarebytes, CCleaner, and Spywareblaster so do any of these things conflict with avast and cause any problems? Thanks for any EASY help because I’m not technical! -( Preferably you should have SP3 installed first but avast does work with SP2, all other programs are fine )
It’s XP 32 bit so will the current avast work on that without problems?
PLEASE do not suggest Service Pack 3…I had major problems with it and WILL NOT ever install it again.
Is there a conflict with avast and Service Pack 2?
Again, can someone please answer my questions about step by step instructions to uninstall, install, safe mode please???
Is it a “custom” install choice if I don’t want P2P and others shields?
Which shields do I really need if I am the only person using my PC and only use it for the internet and email? I notice when I disable any shields, my pc runs very slow and avast keeps warning me (on current version from last year) that I disabled shileds.
Yes you use the custom install to choose what shields you do and dont want, you can also go into remove programs and click on avast as to uninstall at a later date and choose to re-install the features if you want them back.
I think you should leave all the shields but it is entirely up to you what shields you dont want, if your not using Peer to Peer or instant messaging then you could probably not install the P2P and IM shields.
You should first try to uninstall normally first then run the removal tool in safe mode then reboot back to normal mode and install your new copy of avast ( dont install in safe mode )
Yes to all except after deleting avast in normal mode then reboot to safe mode and run the removal tool to delet remnants of avast followed by rebooting back to normal and install the new avast copy.