The site launches a seperate window with a custom web-based real estate application. With the Web Shield running (even with in the exceptions), the new window pops up and the nothing happens. If you Pause the Web Shield - same thing. If you Terminal the Web Shield, the page comes up fine.
I’d hate to have to terminal the Web Shield on all my clients for this site to work correctly, so can anyone help me with this one?
IE7 and Vista may be a little tighter with pop-ups but I wouldn’t have thought it would make it impossible to browse, unfortunately I can’t check this out as I don’t have Vista or IE7.
Pausing the web shield only stops the scanning traffic still passes through it so terminating it is the only option that works if there is a problem with the proxy. All I can suggest is checking out the vista firewall and see if there might be any issue with ashwebsv.exe.
Though if there were that would technically stop you browsing the web period, so I’m at a loss as to what the cause might be.
Thanks David for your efforts, I really appreciate your time on these forums.
Can anyone else with Vista 32-bit, using the default windows firewall and the default IE7 confirm this web-page fails for them with Web Shield running?
in these situations (streaming content in Java mostly) it is recommended not to scan the streaming IP in webshield by entering the IP into the “Ignored addresses:” box on the Basic tab in WebShield config - not the exceptions tab. Exceptions work on URL’s, so in other to obtain the URL, WebShield must intercept the connection.
Can you guys try this? (ignored the address:, or directly it’s IP: