I’ve done a scan for the past three days, and Avast 4.1 HE found this:
Win32Ruledor[tri] or [trj] (i wrote it down fast, so I’m not sure. But did a search on both)
in file:
I deleted all, but it keeps coming back. I did a Google search, no info. I did a virus definition search, no info. I even did a search on trncee.dll, but still no info. Does anyone know what this is, and how I can get rid of it, if in fact it is a real virus?
Forgot to add that I switched to Firefox browser, from IE6. Since then, I get the virus message. When I did the online scans, I had to go back into IE6 for them to work. They don’t work with Firefox.
07/03/2004 9:05:17 PM é |Ì| 4294568439 Sign of “Win32:Ruledor [Trj]” has been found in “c:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\trncee.dll[UPX]” file.
07/03/2004 9:10:59 PM é |Ì| 4294568439 Sign of “Win32:Ruledor [Trj]” has been found in “c:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\IAicemm.dll[UPX]” file.
07/03/2004 10:01:27 PM é |Ì| 4294568439 Sign of “Win32:Ruledor [Trj]” has been found in “C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\trncee.dll[UPX]” file.
07/03/2004 10:01:28 PM é |Ì| 4294568439 Sign of “Win32:Ruledor [Trj]” has been found in “C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\IAicemm.dll[UPX]” file.
07/05/2004 10:07:25 PM é |Ì| 4294490827 Sign of “Win32:Ruledor [Trj]” has been found in “c:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\trncee.dll[UPX]” file.
07/05/2004 10:09:12 PM é |Ì| 4294490827 Sign of “Win32:Ruledor [Trj]” has been found in “c:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\IAicemm.dll[UPX]” file.
07/05/2004 11:04:33 PM é |Ì| 4294490827 Sign of “Win32:Ruledor [Trj]” has been found in “C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\trncee.dll[UPX]” file.
07/05/2004 11:04:34 PM é |Ì| 4294490827 Sign of “Win32:Ruledor [Trj]” has been found in “C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\IAicemm.dll[UPX]” file.
07/06/2004 8:23:39 PM é |Ì| 4294591043 Sign of “Win32:Ruledor [Trj]” has been found in “c:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\trncee.dll[UPX]” file.
07/06/2004 9:14:07 PM é |Ì| 4294591043 Sign of “Win32:Ruledor [Trj]” has been found in “C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\trncee.dll[UPX]” file.