0540-6, 06.10.2005
bende bır oyun yukledım ve cd2 de virüs var bunu avast! Antivirus protection silmıyor karantinaya taşıyorum yok silmıyor
ben bu oyunu yukledık ten sora silmek istiyorum:-
C:\WINDOWS içine gırıyor ama oyunu yukledıgım zaman bunu sılebılecek ek bır yama programı varmı.ek bır program silmek için
site buyumesın dıye buraya link bırakıyorum ordan daha ıyı anlatabılmek için.
şimdiden cok tşkr ederım helpppppp.resım cıkmadı
This could be a false positive. Please send the file in a password protected zip to virus@avast.com for analyzes. Mention in the body the password and this thread.
Hi m@vis@k@@!76,
If the virus was detected by Avast, you have nothing to fear.
The virus is neutralized. If infected, the virus is a parasitic memory resident virus. On launch the virus copies itself as “svchost.exe”: %WinDir%\svchost.exe {HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current\Version\RunServices}
This makes the virus to be launched every time at reboot.
On all logical drives it searches for Win32 PE files, which have an .exe extension, and infects them. The size of the infected files increases 36352 bytes. Info Bitdefender,
Thanks for everything… god be with .
I speak engilish a little bit :-
I"M FROM TÜRKIS ( thank)
???download DİKKAT…attention
We don’t post active links to suspect files, that way accidential access or curiosity won’t get the better of users.
You can modify the link so it isn’t clickable, e.g. http: // rapidshare.de/files/6074268/Win32Jeefo.rar.html using spaces to break up the URL.
Welcome to the forums.
Hi DavidR,
I checked this link with the link-checker of Dr.Web, but the link is clean. So there must be something else, I never go on an assumption. I wished FreelinFrank was here, because he has a fair command of the Turkish language, and I only like Turkish bread and bakhlava. Has the new version of the webforum software a translation function, would be welcome. I only speak a couple of languages.
m@vis@k@@!76 says:
"I installed a game there’s a virus on CD2 avast! doesn’t delete the virus. I move it to quarantine. It doesn’t delete it.
I want to delete it after installing this game.
It is going into C:/WINDOWS but when I load the program is there an additional patch to delete this. An additional program to delete
I’m leaving a link - so that the site does not get bigger - in order to be able to explain better from there.
For now, thank you very much. Help. The picture didn’t come out."
Dogru mi anliyorum? Bir oyun yukliyorsun ve avast! bir virus buluyor. Oyunun yuklemesini bitirmek istiyor, sonra virusu silmek istiyorsun.
Eddy dedi ki, bu false positive olabilir. Yani, gercek bir virus olmayabilir. “Virusu” Jotti’ye gonderebilirsin, gercek bir virus olip olmadigini ogrenmek icin.
Bir kac scanner virus diyorsa, buyuk bir ihtimal virusdur. Tek avast! virus derse, false positive olabilir. Oylese avast!'a gonder, duzeltirler.
Gercek bir virus C:WINDOWS girmis ise, avast!'in boot time scani yap, onu silmek icin.
Biraktigin linki hic anlayamadik. Nemis? Virus mi? Ya da virusu silmek icin dedigin yama programi mi?
wait i have svchost.exe…
does that mean i have a virus or something?
or do u mean the virus copies itself as it?
tim ???
svchost.exe is a legitimate process:
You should only be worried if you have the specific registry entry Polonus mentions, which I assume is a virus trying to fool you into thinking it’s the legitimate MS process.
There is a Jeefo removal utility here, if that’s what your after, m@vis@k@@!76.
Eger boyle bir sey ariyorsan, Jeefo’yu silmek icin bir program var, yukardaki linkte, avast! becermezse, tabiiki.