Having had to quickly purchase a new modem, and given the lack of alternatives, I ended up with a Hercules modem adsl router wifi 802.11 G.

After exasperating myself attempting to get a connection to my provider, (Demon.NL) I then proceeded to call the Hercules support folks.

When they asked about firewalls, and av software, I obviously told them I was using avast, which they then branded immediately as the culprit?

I was advised to close down the software, (later on, advised to delete) and then my connection appeared to be okay, and still is.

As soon as I boot the Avast proggie, I lose my connection!

Any help/advice much appreciated.

Having only just registered with this forum, please excuse me any breach of forum netiquette.


Hi Jim and welcome to the forum, any SW firewall installed on your system?

I have ZoneAlarmPro, latest version, and oftentimes, the XP firewall too.

Thanks for the welcome.


You must only have one firewall turned on or they will conflict.ZA pro has some incompatibility issues with avast webshield i suggest you do a little search about this on the forum you should get many search results about that.Anyway you must have the privacy settings in ZA on medium and not on high(or else problems with webshield).Also make sure you have ashwebsv.exe approved to access the internet in your firewall or you won’t be able to surf the net.



So, Internet connection didn’t work at all? Or just web browsing? Or you couldn’t even connect (via wifi) to the router?

I was led to believe a connection had been made, (network connection, right click) though no sign of anything from me reaching my provider, according to Demons’ helpdesk.

So, no mail, no surfing, and only intermittent activity between the modem, and pc, using the ethernet cable.