Heuristic Generic Trojan not detected by avast?

DrWeb’s URL checker results:
Checking: htxp://jenisegreggcouture.com/i3AnbAV.exe
Engine version:
Total virus-finding records: 3122959
File size: 362.41 KB
File MD5: f3466f899597f91c3ac27df1576c1cd5

htxp://jenisegreggcouture.com/i3AnbAV.exe infected with Trojan.PWS.Panda.2363
See: https://www.virustotal.com/file/2da2744365ba358ef0048d0cdc4351225dc32a41a87b4f1435595beb4d60b8ac/analysis/
See IDS alerts: http://www.urlquery.net/report.php?id=154117
See: http://www.sacour.cn/m/show.asp?date=2012-08-28


Could be that detection is omitted because this is Adware/Spyware?


malwarebytes detect it as Trojan.Zbot

and same as with the case earlier today… next download have new MD5

your sample

my sample


Does that mean that the samples differ for they have unique identifiers?
That is why I uploaded the source url to Anubis for analyzing and will look at the results,
here are the scan results for you, the MD5 hash for the Anubis scan = 3f878f42af7fe3f2729f94e30baa5db2
Now avast detects as Win32:Spyware-gen [Spy] your sample
My sample isn’t detected.

The Anubis results: http://anubis.iseclab.org/?action=result&task_id=1f4517579c9e8b6941973e4f7bf1c9da8
Characteristics like Police-virus characteristics & Heap Corruption by String Destructor, Explorer Shell Folder Bypass,
Neopsploit code present, trojan downloader keylog characteristics, Executing an Operation on a Named Pipe,
