Heuristic mail settings

Why does the Heuristic mail settings are different from Outlook plugin and Internet Mail provider?
Internet Mail provider has two options less… :-\ ::slight_smile:

That may have to do with the fact that the MS Outlook plug-in is inside the email client and can refer to a % of the address book.

Where as the Internet Mail provider doesn’t know what email client it is using or where the address book is.

Bump :stuck_out_tongue:
Is David correct or there is something else? ::slight_smile:

David’s first comment is a very logical conclusion and his second comment is absolutely correct.

Are you looking for something more from the avast team?

Fully agree…

Just an ‘ok’ of vojtech, if possible…

Well, I am not Vojtech, but … :slight_smile:
I can’t say it better than DavidR, his answer is correct.

Thanks Chocholo :wink: