hi all i need some help.

hi all i am new to this forum and i like to know wat is Win32:AuCrypt [Cryp] about and wat can it do. and i aready deleted it using avast home edition and aready scanned it afew time ( around 5) and unable to find it may i know am i save from this virus? if not pls help me out ty.

btw can avast detect ACTIVE Backdoor (or Keylogger/Password-Stealer etc) sry abt it i am really have low knowledge abt it.

ty for ur help, i greatly appreciate.

Hi supersiao,

  1. Delete the Autorun.inf file of your C: drive, for it :
    Open the command prompt, and type :
    attrib -s -h -r autorun.inf
    del autorun.inf

Now download DrWeb’s CureIt from here: ftp://ftp.drweb.com/pub/drweb/cureit/cureit.exe
and do a full scan,


hi polonus

may i know wat is Autorun.inf file this file for ? when i delete it will it harm mine computer or program?

and how u type \ haha i know that is funny but than i really cannot find it on mine keyboard.

and i aready used the cureit program u intro to me and it say no viruses found, so it is counted that i am free from Win32:AuCrypt [Cryp]?

and may i know can avast or cureit detect ACTIVE Backdoor (or Keylogger/Password-Stealer etc)?

btw thx for ur help.

and i also like to ask in wat type of situation will i be affect from ACTIVE Backdoor (or Keylogger/Password-Stealer etc), and how am i going to defend from it?

The autorun.inf file is a text file, but has special significance it is normally only seen in removable media/CD/DVDs, etc.

When you load that CD/DVD (if the windows autoplay, is enabled, it is by default) windows sees the autorun.inf file and runs it. The autorun.inf shouldn’t be on fixed hard drive partitions so removal from those locations should have zero impact.

Inside the autorun.inf there are a number of commands which execute other files. This is normally used to play the media, etc. but there are those who use this function to launch malicious content.

See this topic/post about autorun infections, http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=34095.msg285331#msg285331.

Hi supersiao,

Go and read this here:

The slash is this / above it on the keyboard is ?
The backslash is \ above it is |
If you do not have it you can use cut and paste, go to start - then to execute, and click and paste, then give in:

cd \
attrib -s -h -r autorun.inf
del autorun.inf

and then give enter,